It already started. If I was wrong shorts wouldn't be paying to keep their positions open to this day when they should have gotten paid. People that are holding BBBY with share borrowing enabled are still getting paid to loan out shares to this day.
Brokers are saying it's being reorganized and they are awaiting further instructions.
Transfer agent was just changed from AST. (You don't pay to do that if you are going under)
The CUSIP / name changed.
Bankrupt company stocks typically remain on the expert market. Cancelation indicates transition not deletion.
During the bankruptcy court Sixth st was offered 125% of stock price to sell and they declined. They wouldn't do that unless they would make more keeping the shares.
And about half a dozen other types of confirmation I won't bother to expand on here.
I already won. The merger / acquisition deal is done. Options got moved to the 20th.
I'm not emotionally invested in this. I cut losses like a sociopath. This is a win.
Will you admit you were ignorant when you see what's already happened come to light?
It’s worth nothing if you OWE more than it’s worth.
I think the dumb ones are the ones who lost money on this obvious scam. You gonna apologize when nothing happens?
Debt doesn't transfer in this type of event. NOL's worth 5-7 years of that mean paying no taxes do however :-)
You seem to be the dumb one Sir.
Someone else posted a much more thorough breakdown of why you’re wrong.
Do what you want with your money. Are you going to admit you’re wrong when nothing happens?
It already started. If I was wrong shorts wouldn't be paying to keep their positions open to this day when they should have gotten paid. People that are holding BBBY with share borrowing enabled are still getting paid to loan out shares to this day.
Brokers are saying it's being reorganized and they are awaiting further instructions.
Transfer agent was just changed from AST. (You don't pay to do that if you are going under)
The CUSIP / name changed.
Bankrupt company stocks typically remain on the expert market. Cancelation indicates transition not deletion.
During the bankruptcy court Sixth st was offered 125% of stock price to sell and they declined. They wouldn't do that unless they would make more keeping the shares.
And about half a dozen other types of confirmation I won't bother to expand on here.
I already won. The merger / acquisition deal is done. Options got moved to the 20th.
I'm not emotionally invested in this. I cut losses like a sociopath. This is a win.
Will you admit you were ignorant when you see what's already happened come to light?
Love it! I threw in a grand at $.28. I didn't know all the plays before but had followed a little. I knew the NOL's were bank!
Yes, absolutely I will admit when I’m wrong.
What is your time cutoff? GME has been floundering since the reverse split and there are still people that think Sears is making a recovery.
I don’t want to hear in 5 years that “it’s still just around the corner and totally happening”.
The original post says a big announcement is coming yesterday or today. And if there’s no announcement?