Listening to headlines make me want to keep the chamber frozen. if no bills go through then there are no riders attached. If there are no riders there is no money forbthe D.S. if there is no new money for the D.S., the D.S. has to expend favors and IOUs. the more IOUs they spend, the less power they have.
Keep the D.S under siege!!!
True. The catapulting cash at us while in lockdown is what stands out as the kenetic start for me.
Also true. I am thinking recently with this generation. Today's men and women in uniform who are 18-25 wouldn't remember 9-11. I'm thinking the starting push of the masses toward a singular precipice event was created when the lock downs started. The "two weeks to flatten the curve" lie united everyone. That to me was when they put America under seige. The aide money was their secret weapon that devastated the economy like diseased carcasses launched over a castle wall. They always had the media to hypnotise but the lock down killed business and the free flying money sunk the morale. Then came the kill shot... we've been under attack and harassed as slaves for over a hundred years. It's about time [they] get a taste of going broke.