Remember like 4 years ago, Flynn was on video with his family taking the pledge, citing the term, "Where we go one, we go all"?
Here is Flynn saying, "We have an Army of digital soldiers".
Flynn was decisively promoting the Q operation.
I see Flynn's most recent remarks as a way to change the optics.
How do we know the statement from Dave on X22 about the military was not planted by Dave himself, allowing Flynn the opportunity to distance the Trump team from the Q plan? Why? We will get to that in a moment.
I think we have entered a new phase of the plan. The old phase was about spreading truth, waking up the sheeple. We saw many coincidences comparing Trump's posts to the Q drops. Let's see if those coincidences stop at this point.
With Flynn calling the Q plan a disservice, he is now creating distance between the Trump team and the Q plan. Intentionally disavowing it when not long ago he was promoting it. Why would he do this?
Q told us the military was the only way however, we do not know the extent of military involvement that Q was referring to, or at what stage of the game the military get involved.
The military may be in operation behind the scenes as we speak, and we were unaware. Using the threat of the military justice to force black hats to cooperate and sign non-disclosure agreements could have been what kept this Q operation afloat.
Remember we are in a war to eliminate the deep state on a global scale. To roll out the Q plan on a global scale, everything here at home needed to appear as though the corrupt system was still functioning. This doesn't mean the guilty parties here at home get a free get out of jail card, it means they get to choose between execution or life in prison if they cooperate.
Military involvement could also be suspected with the recent Rothchilds auction. It was said the Rothchilds were auctioning items from a home they sold and the proceeds were being donated to charity? Another explanation could be, the military stepped in, enforced by a Trump executive order (crimes against humanity) and confiscated the item and the proceeds will be donated to charities. To achieve this, I suspect the military had to be involved.
We also have the recent Trump post saying 100% of the election fraud will be exposed in the upcoming court cases. If this is true, do we allow Biden to finish out his stolen election? No, we do not. Trump said, if you steal diamonds from Tiffanys and you get caught, don't you have to return the diamonds? Who will return the diamonds?
A stolen election threatens the national security of our nation. A stolen election threatens the Constitution of the USA. If it is shown the election was stolen, our military have taken an oath to defend the country and the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
If President Trump proves with 100% certainty the election was stolen in the upcoming court case, someone would have to remove the perpetrators that conducted the coup, that would be the military.
Flynn said the military cannot act on its own, the military abides by the Constitution and takes orders from the "Duly Elected". The definition for "duly" is "properly". Biden was not properly elected; he would not have any influence over our military once the coup was exposed. That means our Congress would have to authorize the military to remove the Biden admin.
People will say, "Posse Comitatus" the military can't be used in the United States. Just like Flynn stated, that would turn us into another banana republic. Guess what, Washington DC is not part of our Republic. It is considered a territory, foreign land. Q told us, primary targets are in DC.
People will say, Congress can't agree on a Speaker of the House, they will never get a majority to authorize the removal of the Biden admin. Well, if there is proof that the US Presidency was stolen, there is proof that many congressional seats were stolen as well. If you remove stolen congressional seats of some RINOs and libs from across the country, the number to achieve a majority in Congress drops. The number is no longer 217.
With Flynn's recent remarks, I see Flynn trying to put a barrier between Trump and the Q plan right now. Trump cannot enter back into office with the media calling him a tyrant or fulfilling the wishes of the Q movement. Drawing a red line between Q and President Trump is necessary.
I think we are getting near the final scene of this movie. Remember, Israel was saved for last and it IS playing out right now. You see many people stepping up to call out the Zionists. Like I said above, the Zionists puppet master, Rothchild, may be gone already.
I remember a Q post, I can't find it now, that said something to the affect, Trump needs to remain disassociated from the Q plan or he needs to keep an unbiased stance. Flynn is helping POTUS separate himself from the military takedown that is about to occur.
When Flynn says we need local action, that is true. Register to become primary committeemen. "Committeemen are the People who choose “who is on the primary ballot for election.”' They also witness the counting of the votes and have the power to recall." There are instructional websites to achieve this online. There are positions open now.
Taking back control of the schools is also a big one. We cannot continue to allow these freaks to brainwash our children with the LGBT crap. It needs to end now. Show up at the monthly school board meetings and demand change where it is needed.
Keep up the good fight digital soldiers!!!
I'm looking forward to that! I should add, it's fine to listen to other people, but God should be the one guiding us. I was guided into the Great Awakening years ago by God, and it just so happened Q came along 15 years later, and then the rest of you anons joined and here we all are now.. so the more the merrier, right?
Yes, where we go one, we go all.