Villagers is about as non-derogatory as you can get about normies.
These thoughtless automatons have cost me three years of my life and I think terms like chicken-head or ant-head from the Bladerunner book are spot on to describe them.
Any language used to describe any group is going to be reductive and villagers is less a pejorative than, NPC, useless eater, smooth-brain, vax-tard, sheep, cattle or even normie that you yourself used.
Your argument that "Only the normiest of normal guys" can be reductive or that being reductive is inherently pretentious are incorrect.
Villagers is about as non-derogatory as you can get about normies.
These thoughtless automatons have cost me three years of my life and I think terms like chicken-head or ant-head from the Bladerunner book are spot on to describe them.
Any language used to describe any group is going to be reductive and villagers is less a pejorative than, NPC, useless eater, smooth-brain, vax-tard, sheep, cattle or even normie that you yourself used.
Your argument that "Only the normiest of normal guys" can be reductive or that being reductive is inherently pretentious are incorrect.