Jewish man speaking ❤️🔥TRUTH❤️🔥
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He said when the Lord returns...
He isn't Jewish. He's a Christian.
He might have Jewish/Hebrew bloodline in him, but he believes in Jesus.
Messianic Jew. Practices Jewish religion and laws but with the belief that Jesus Christ is the Messiah
It’s so hard to give a proper name to Messianic Judaism.
Call it the above and people still hear “Judaism”. Call it Christianity and it ignores the delineation. Call it Torah Observant and very few know what the Torah is, and most of those would hear “Judaism”. Past that, we’ve all been conditioned to use “Country”, “Government”, and “Nation” fairly interchangeably, and then there’s an additional “Religion” tossed into the mix with this one, with a further “A lot of people calling themselves this name almost certainly aren’t either the religious version of it, and some aren’t the ethnic either, but for whatever reason they call themselves that name”, and a further “several of the Talmudic rabbis, the Talmud not being entirely wrong, were total whacknuts, along the lines of the modern LGBT-Centric Methodist church, but it’s all called by the same name”.
Imagine if the nuttier denominations of Christianity were only known as “Christian” while a national government somewhere had named itself Christian while operating as a secular organization, while a group of people had adopted the name Christian as their ethnic lineage name while being significantly composed of atheists and people who weren’t descended from that family tree, and some people under that name actively went out and did the opposite of what Christianity teaches while actively calling themselves Christians.
Meanwhile, with regard to the original point of giving it a good name, in the middle of all that craziness, a new name has to be tied to the old one somehow such as to allow unity, while being clearly different and comprehensible, and helping to initiate explaining a HUGE 1800+ year gap in interpreting scripture.
Not an easy line to toe, but here we are.
I have a friend who fits this category. He refers to himself as a 'completed Jew'.
That’s a very accurate term. I like it!
Remember when God called Israel “a stiff-necked people” because they refused to give up their traditions they’d carried over from Egypt, Babylon, and Rome?
We’re in the process of seeing how stiff necked Christians/The Grafted-in Ones are going to be. To be fair, it’s not easy, but who ever said it was going to be? One of the first steps that helps is to listen to Jesus himself instead of what is taught that Paul said.
During and after that, comes testing of the different problematic groups to see if they’re wolves in sheeps’ clothing, or earnestly in opposition to evil and in pursuit of Truth, and merely misled. Two weeks or so of wandering in the desert to complete circumcision of our hearts, and we should be smack dab in the middle of the promised land!
No such thing.
That's just Christian. Another denomination like the plethora of others that exist.
Christians were originally a sect of Judaism, not the other way around.