Qanon == a modern MALEVOLENT twist on the bolsheviks infamous psyop, Operation Trust?
The bolsheviks Operation Trust psyop narrative targeting those who opposed the commie take over of Russia == relax, white hats have a secret plan to save you, you don't need to do anything but wait and watch while they get rid of the commies for you.
Those who believed that the bolsheviks Operation Trust psyop lies were true did not help those who WERE actively resisting the commies so the resistance failed.
Solzenhitzens "Gulag Archipelago" describes what happened to millions of human beings because the resistance failed.
Hopefully anons don't believe that Qs message to anons, WWG1WGA == watch while Captain Trump saves our ship from sinking and all of of us from drowning or being eaten alive by sharks.
Instead hopefully anons, realizing the grave danger we're all in, will be motivated to do everything they can to help Captain Trump get our ship safely through these horrific storms.
Q anon/Q+ PsyOp =/= the MALEVOLENTs counter PsyOp, Qanon.
Q anon/Q + PsyOp == Leave Screen World Dream World. WAKE UP. Get up. Get busy in the Real World.
Qanon counter PsyOp== Stay in Dream World. Don't worry. Be comfy. Just keep sleeping, dreaming, and waiting to be saved.
Go back to his interview. He said "QAnon". Not Q. There is no QAnon. There is only Q and Anons.
Q drops warned anons, Q anon =/= Qanon, the regimes counter psyop
Qanon == a modern MALEVOLENT twist on the bolsheviks infamous psyop, Operation Trust?
The bolsheviks Operation Trust psyop narrative targeting those who opposed the commie take over of Russia == relax, white hats have a secret plan to save you, you don't need to do anything but wait and watch while they get rid of the commies for you.
Those who believed that the bolsheviks Operation Trust psyop lies were true did not help those who WERE actively resisting the commies so the resistance failed.
Solzenhitzens "Gulag Archipelago" describes what happened to millions of human beings because the resistance failed.
Hopefully anons don't believe that Qs message to anons, WWG1WGA == watch while Captain Trump saves our ship from sinking and all of of us from drowning or being eaten alive by sharks.
Instead hopefully anons, realizing the grave danger we're all in, will be motivated to do everything they can to help Captain Trump get our ship safely through these horrific storms.
Q anon/Q+ PsyOp =/= the MALEVOLENTs counter PsyOp, Qanon.
Q anon/Q + PsyOp == Leave Screen World Dream World. WAKE UP. Get up. Get busy in the Real World.
Qanon counter PsyOp== Stay in Dream World. Don't worry. Be comfy. Just keep sleeping, dreaming, and waiting to be saved.
A good read on why Operation Trust is not to be confused with Q
Operation Trust is not the same. It has malevolent end goals. Q wakes people up. Big difference.
Thank you for sharing a succinct, one sentence, summary of my much longer comment, anon.
Like Kevin said, "Why use many words when few work better".