Archbishop Viganò: Priests and bishops who promoted 'lethal' COVID jabs must answer to God - LifeSite
‘Their silence on the pandemic fraud is identical to that on the apostasy of the Catholic Hierarchy,’ Archbishop Viganò writes. ‘And the moral responsibility that weighs on them will remain as an indelible stain for which they will have to answer to God, t...
Nothing about raping kids, nuns and young men in the seminary?
Still happened less than it does in public schools and in the private sector and other "religions".
Freemason-controlled news doesn't want to highlight that though, not as spicy as putting the spotlight on their favorite scapegoat, the Catholic church.
Yes it does happen in many places... I'm also biased (very very biased) against the Catholic Church as well. My family was forever damaged after serial abuse by a priest.
Please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, friend. The Church is perfect, the people can be terribly corrupt. I understand you have been deeply hurt and scandalized and for that I am so very sorry. Satan is trying his very hardest to keep you away from your inheritance and I hate him for it.
Maybe someday look for an FSSP parish near you. In the meantime, I'll be praying for you, that God restore everything the devil stole from you and your family.
Thank you fren, I Believe & Love God. Even tho I have a problem with organized religion, and had my faith on a back burner for a while... He never left me and keeps blessing me ❤️