posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +96 / -0

It's interesting to watch them inch ever closer in their ultimate goal of shutting down Trump by targeting his lawyers, especially one as weak as Jenna...

Imagine blaming others and regretting fighting for election integrity...

Even if they were to land a blow on him, I still feel that 45 has been baiting them to do this for a long time...

I think we need to recognize that this possibility is there...

I can't help but think this part of our journey together is like a hourglass and the sand is ever moving towards a culminating event...

The greater the war propaganda and the attacks against Trump, the closer it appears to be...

What a wild ride it has been and it's looking like we have a crazy few months ahead of us...

Whatever happens, it's been an honor to hold the line with all of you...
