Jennifer Aniston and Pizza Party
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Yep, I even believe Brad Pitt found out and that was the end. The hands tell the tale... and the lack of ever securing a hubby to have a family with kids. Maybe the reason is because Maniston can't and never could.
There's two times when sex-influencing hormones occurs in the body. Once in the womb and the other at puberty. What happens when there is hormone fuc***y in the womb, through adolescence, and prepubertal hormone treatments?
I think she was loaned out, abused, suffered injury and couldn't have kids... agree, weird as she could have adopted as she wanted to be a mom 'so much'
He’s a dude 100 percent that’s why no kids ,, however not having kids is not the reason people know he’s a dude ! Her mom, Illuminati , decided to trans him to her rather then sacrifice !
Any particular picture that is a give away that she's a dude?