Even though this is an older patent, it is good to remind people that this technology exists, has been utilized in the past and has very likely been improved over the years. I like to play frequency music at night or throughout the day and I have often wondered if this has any subliminal technology being used. Some music my spirit rejects. There are just so many things that exist that we can't evaluate with absolute certainty what it entails. This technology definitely has sinister implications...
Even though this is an older patent, it is good to remind people that this technology exists, has been utilized in the past and has very likely been improved over the years. I like to play frequency music at night or throughout the day and I have often wondered if this has any subliminal technology being used. Some music my spirit rejects. There are just so many things that exist that we can't evaluate with absolute certainty what it entails. This technology definitely has sinister implications...
I like to find out more.