posted ago by TrumpTrollMaster ago by TrumpTrollMaster +61 / -1

Look: People are confused. Who should I support in this war?

First, we have Joe Biden's administration laundering money through Iran. They're scumbags.

Iran bought weapons from China. China is a scumbag.

Iran then sold weapons to Hamas. Iran is a scumbag.

Hamas bombed civilians. Hamas is a scumbag.

Israel purposefully allowed Hamas to kill as many Israelis as possible so that they can commit atrocious war crimes themselves. Israel is a scumbag.

This entire problem was started by the Brits in WWI. Mr T. E Lawrence was the worst of its proponents (not that he's not a smart man, just the fallout is terrible).

We don't have a dog in this fight. We don't need to support either side. They're all fucking scumbags. We focus on Trump!