Just got diagnosed with laryngopharangeal reflux or LPR, silent reflux.
Doc wants to put me on PPIs briefly but i dont trust that class of meds.
Any thought or alternative? Looking at alginate containing antacid like Gaviscon
Just got diagnosed with laryngopharangeal reflux or LPR, silent reflux.
Doc wants to put me on PPIs briefly but i dont trust that class of meds.
Any thought or alternative? Looking at alginate containing antacid like Gaviscon
What's you diet like? Go see a homeopath to get on a diet. Laryngopharangeal reflux is a pharmacalogical made-up disease. It's official, medicine is now run by a by a committee of 'experts' who concoct, name, label, describe, and categorize disease. We all saw this with the medical field using SADS as the disease killing all those mRNA vax☠xed victims. SIDS was created the same way for covering up toddler adverse reactions to vax☠xines.
Laryngopharangeal reflux is fancy way of saying stomach acid issues. This is most likely a dietary issue. It's the type of foods you are eating and you are taxing one or more of your organs like the gall bladder.
Try doing a 24 hour fast and drink only water. If the issue abates during the fasting, it most likely a dietary issue. After your fast, eat celery and green leafy vegetables, Stay away from grains and sweet fruits, and sugar. At supper add a small amount of meat to your diet (stay away from processed meats) and gradually increase the amount after the 2nd day.
This is a very rough draft on what you should do. A homeopath will put you on a diet to correct these symptoms. Laryngopharangeal reflux is a symptom of 'something' that is wrong. It is not a disease. You should never treat the symptoms of anything, except for bringing a temperature down. Al pharmaceuticals are highly suspect. Avoid them.