... I have seen ten times more hate and vitriol directed at Jews coming out of the pro-palestine, pro-Hamas crowd in the last few weeks than I saw under 4 years of Trump.
This is absolutely abhorrent and disgusting, especially since all these same people were calling me a Nazi... even though I'm Jewish... just because I am white-skinned... just a few weeks ago.
This is absolutely fucking unreal.
I just read a little bit about Tartaria and where it was located. So this is the reason why Astana in Kazachstan was picked as one of the main globalist's city.
What I call Tartaria/Scythia Proper was really the entire area later called the "USSR." At many times during it's history it's borders were much larger than that, but it kept that area as a cohesive entity for somewhere between 2500-5000+ years. Indeed, they (or their progenitors, with the same Aristocracy) are the source of the Proto-Indo-European language. They were the people that colonized all of Northern Europe, India, the Levant, the Fertile Crescent, etc. They were the people who created pretty much all of Asia/Europe with genetic/ethnic/cultural borders butting up against Egypt, China, and southern India. Scythia is basically the source of everything in that area. And Tartaria is just another name for Scythia.
So thinking that Astana is special because it is Tartarian (really Scythian) in origin may be true, but I'm not sure what that connection might be, other than that they are the root of pretty much everything.
Note that "root" is not the same as the creators. For example, I don't think the Scythians created Rome (not 100% sure about that) even though they created the culture that created Rome. When a culture is separated for long enough from the control structure it becomes its own culture. Just because the Scythians created Ireland for example, doesn't mean that a thousand years later the Irish are still Scythian. It is that central core, along the Asiatic Steppes, where travel was easy, and where trade and culture remained relatively unified, that the Scythian governmental system and culture remained consistent. This system was very similar to the United States. Indeed, the formal system of the United States, as a treaty controlled group of Sovereign entities, who pay taxes to a central authority, have open borders, open trade, etc. is pretty much identical to the Scythian model of an Aristocratic family who control their own "Khanate" (kingdom), but have open borders, open trade, and pay tribute to whoever is the strongest Khan (King). The main difference between the two is that the US continuity is accomplished by formal (written) Law, the Scythian continuity was accomplished by custom and the continuity of the ruling, intermarried, Aristocratic family.
Ok, I saw different maps and explanations. Yours (much more descriptive) is one of them. The other was Tartaria almost at the same place as Kazachstan.
What I don't understand is how they held power for such a long time. I mean I don't even know how long. And as you pointer out, separation for a long time causes another layer of power hold problem. What do you think about cycles? Do you think they had technologies from previous cycles to cause "resets" or they created new cycle by genocidal wars or no resets ever happened?
No. The Scythians/Tartarians did not have any special technologies. Well... I mean, they are attributed as having invented the wheel, writing, domesticating horses, the saddle, the bridle, the wagon, bronze smelting, iron smelting, gunpowder, etc. So not completely without technology, but all the "special technology of the Tartarians" is, I believe, intentional fuckery, designed to keep people from understanding who they really are. It's the type of stuff created by the C_A to control those who are willing to investigate these things. It makes them look "crazy." I have seen zero evidence that supports those ideas regarding the Scythians/Tartarians that stands up to any sort of scrutiny.
Now that doesn't mean I think there isn't ancient technology that surpassed our own in some, or maybe even many/all areas. In that I don't know. I have seen quite a bit of solid evidence that supports those ideas. But the Tartarians were not that group. That group died, I think, many thousands of years before Scythia, likely around 12,000 BC give or take. It could be that some of their technology/knowledge survived, but I haven't found anything that suggests that the Scythians inherited it. It could be that the Aristocracy of the Scythians were descended from the leaders of the former world civilization. I'm not sure. I mean, we all are obviously descended from that group of people somehow, but they might have known it.
I think the Egyptians and/or South Americans are more likely to have had some knowledge inherited from the former civilization. Or at least I've seen some pretty good evidence to support it, even if it's not conclusive by any stretch.
I'm really not sure. Who knows.
As for resets, I'm not sure. I think there was a reset 14k years ago or so. I don't know if it was intentional. I think there may have been some local fuckery or natural disaster in between then and now in different regions sufficiently large to qualify as a "population reset," but I haven't found any good evidence of a global reset, intentional or not, since that time.
The evidence for this stuff is really spotty. I think it is likely that this information, if it exists, is hidden in the Occult Mysteries of the various religions, like Freemasonry, or the Vatican, etc..
That was at the end of the Tartarian Empire. The Russians had taken all of that area by that time.
Of course the "Russians" were just a Khanate (Rus Khanate, a Principality) of the Tartarians, so it was really more of an internal dispute, just like had happened many times before when one Khan would attempt to gain dominance over all the rest (Ghengis Khan, Attila the Hun, e.g.).
I'm not sure if there is anything special about that area, but it's not impossible. It's not too far from where Zoroastrianism is supposed to have been started, which has some very interesting connections to todays religions, including Freemasonry. There could be significance there? Having said that, Astrana is a few hundred miles away from the area it is supposed to have started in (Bactria/Samarkand area), so who knows. It's not impossible though. History doesn't really know where it started, when and where Zoroaster lived. He is supposedly from the same people that inhabited that area (a tribe of Scythians), though they inhabited a very large area so it's pretty tough to say.
I really appreciate you give so much time to answer my questions. I have seen some video about big flood which probably happened in Africa. Is that the reset you mentioned?
Also why big families wanted to create Israel and why at specific location? I think some Q drops about why WWII really happened are tied to this.