Organised religions are an excuse for psychos to have wars. They organise themselves into "Religion-1" and then declare that all those in "Religion-2" are infidels and must be wiped out. Or frequently the warfare even splinters into Religion-1a v. Religion-1b.
The other problem with organised religions is that they create a hierarchical barrier between you and god. You are not allowed to talk directly to god! Imagine that! Instead you have to go through a controlled intermediary appointed by the religion, archbishop/vicar/whoever.
I am not a "member" of any "religion" yet I have spoken to god directly on more than one occasion. Well I say spoken but actually god is pretty overwhelming so really it is more like an awesome blast where words are not necessary.
Organised religions are an excuse for psychos to have wars. They organise themselves into "Religion-1" and then declare that all those in "Religion-2" are infidels and must be wiped out. Or frequently the warfare even splinters into Religion-1a v. Religion-1b.
The other problem with organised religions is that they create a hierarchical barrier between you and god. You are not allowed to talk directly to god! Imagine that! Instead you have to go through a controlled intermediary appointed by the religion, archbishop/vicar/whoever.
I am not a "member" of any "religion" yet I have spoken to god directly on more than one occasion. Well I say spoken but actually god is pretty overwhelming so really it is more like an awesome blast where words are not necessary.