Abraham Lincoln is featured in tonight's US Debt Clock secret window. The image features two quotes. I believe both are from 1864.
The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.
The money power preys upon the nations in times of peace and conspires against it in times of advresity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy.
As usual, there are additional visual elements to tonight's image that almost certainly will add nuance to the message, but I'm going to focus on the quotes themselves and their context. Except I will take a moment to point out the front and back sides of the $10 greenback currency shown on the upper left and right sides of the graphic. I believe that version is from 1863.
What is a greenback?
Looking at Lincoln's first quote (the one that calls for government to print currency to support government spending), I was honestly a little taken aback. If we have learned nothing else in our journey through discernment and awakening, it's that fiat currency is the devil. It's a tool for financial manipulation and enrichment of the parasitic class at the expense of the common population. So why would Abraham Lincoln call for such a thing?
Abraham Lincoln understood the importance of a common national currency and bank credit to support a healthy economy. As a young man in frontier Indiana and Kentucky, he saw the ways in which unreliable paper money and inadequate credit frustrated the ambitions of his neighbors. These experiences shaped his political outlook.
To meet the government's financial needs during the Civil War, President Lincoln and Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase borrowed from foreign governments and American citizens, instituted the country's first general income tax, and printed paper money—so-called "Greenbacks."
To promote opportunity, a dynamic economy, and a stronger Union, Lincoln and Chase conceived the national banking system and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to regulate and supervise it. Lincoln took pride in signing the National Currency Act, which he believed would provide "great benefit" to the people and the government.
"The national system," he declared in this State of the Union message of 1864, "will create a reliable and permanent influence in support of the national credit and protect the people against losses in the use of paper money."
Greenbacks were emergency paper currency issued by the United States during the American Civil War that were printed in green on the back. They were in two forms: Demand Notes, issued in 1861–1862, and United States Notes, issued in 1862–1865. A form of fiat money, the notes were legal tender for most purposes and carried varying promises of eventual payment in coin but were not backed by existing gold or silver reserves.
In essence, Lincoln introduced fiat currency to the US. We know the Civil War sent the government into great debt. Global banking powers took full advantage of that fact to undermine and gain control of the US economy at that time (as they have done and continue to do during all times of war and in all countries they can infiltrate).
I'm a bit surprised at Lincoln's role in the introduction of fiat currency in this context. From the source above, it appears he had good intentions. From the second quote in the secret window (where he points out the dangers of the power of money), it's obvious he recognizes the threat of 'money power'.
If we walk away from this secret window with no other message, we should know this. Debt and unsecured paper money leave us open to being enslaved. I do not use that word lightly. Fiat currency is the whip the deep state cracks upon the bent backs of humanity to maintain global power and control.
If we wish to take our power back, fiat currency must go.
-The deep state derives great power from the accumulation (theft) of our wealth.
-The deep state uses these financial gains to manipulate and enslave the world.
-We need everyone to awaken, to join this fight!
-These secret windows are an excellent way to help normies get there.
These are the past secret windows/announcements I'm aware of. There may be some I've missed. Feel free to chime in with any updates, corrections, observations, etc.
It proclaims "The US Debt Clock.org (Secret Window) Premiers Tonight @ 9pm to 12am est. DON'T TELL ANYONE!"
I'm not certain when this image appeared. Either Sunday 10/01 or Monday 10/02. Interesting that the words are superimposed over a weathered plank. Significant or stylistic? Note the presence of the 'fish coin' on the bottom right of the image. More on that in a bit.
#2 Appeared on or around 10/02/2023 (after #1 above).
It proclaims "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and Overthrew the tables of the Moneychangers"
Text is superimposed over a weathered plank again. The fish coin appears again in the lower right corner.
The background image appears to be taken from an imaginary map of Jerusalem published in 1604.
There is an arch of seven angels and seven lamps which seems quite likely to refer to the Biblical seven nations.
There are the symbols of the alpha (bottom left) and the omega (bottom right) which are often used to refer to Jesus.
And finally there is the fish coin again. I believe it's a Biblical reference to Jesus telling Peter to fish. When Peter does as Jesus requests, he catches a fish with a coin in its mouth. The coin is enough to cover the temple repair taxes for both Jesus and Peter.
Go back and read that whole post for a lot of great input and additional detail from other frens.
This one is powerful! Two quotes (one from 1834 & one from 1850) from Andrew Jackson calling out the evils of 'paper money' and those who created it, along with his intention "to rout you out, and by thr eternal God, I will rout ou out."
He full on identifies congress and corporations for their machinations.
I love this one!
"You are a den of vipers and thieves and I intend to rout you out, and by th eeternal God, I will rout you out. If Congress has the right to issue paper money, it was given them to be used by themselves, and not to be delegated to individuals or corporations"
"Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, and from the multitude of coprporations with exclusive privileges...which are employed for their benefit"
This image is a nifty little graphic illustrating how the Knights Templar might have enticed pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land to participate in the practice of using fiat currency instead of gold, silver, or other tangible assets.
I got a chuckle out of the call out at the end. Fiat currency is, at its core, a ponzi scheme. The cartoon bubbles communicate that quite well.
So I did a quick and dirty Brave search (knights templar fiat currency) just to see what I could see. The most striking thing - to me at least - is the wide shift in perspective on just what the Knights Templar accomplished in terms of banking.
Depending on the source, they were either brilliant financiers who amassed a great fortune while serving the currency needs of travelling pilgrims or they were liars and thieves who amassed that same fortune by swindling the pilgrims out of their precious hard assets.
Here is a quote that pulls no punches in where they fall.
The Knights Templar were a Catholic military order recognised in 1139, and were closely tied to the Crusades. Mark Dice argues that the Knights Templar were responsible for the advent of fiat currency and modern central banking systems, and that they worshipped Baphomet.
I'm not really familiar with Mark Dice, but here's his youtube channel if you'd like to check him out: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkDice
I know several frens here have done deep digs on this topic. Love to see your thoughts.
This one is simple, yet packs a powerful message. On the left is the iconic image of Uncle Sam pointing back at us as it says:
This is the absolute baseline of control used by the deep state to maintain their power. Throw in fear for good measure, and their playbook is laid bare.
On the right is an image that communicates how silver (the Liberty silver dollar) is not equal to fiat currency (US twenty dollar bill - note the bill features President Andrew Jackson).
Below that is what appears to be a rocker switch - one side is green and the other is red.
It doesn't take an analytical genius to see the message here. Deep state control. Fiat currency. Which would you choose: the green or the red switch?
This psalm [113] is a song of praise for redemption by Christ, to be sung in Gospel times, when the name of the Lord should be known among all nations, from the rising to the setting sun.
In the background of the image is an apparently historical map of United States. I can't read the text at all, so I can't narrow it down further, unfortunately.
On the outer bottom left and right corners are the symbols for the Alpha and the Omega (the beginning and the end - often used to refer to Jesus).
There is a statue in each bottom corner, but I just can't see them clearly enough to figure out what they are or what they might mean.
Still on the bottom, in the middle is a coin. It doesn't appear to be the fish coin, but I'm not sure what it is.
In the center is the Betsy Ross flag with thirteen stars and thirteen stripes representing - you guessed it - the thirteen colonies and the founding of the United States. In contemporary times, the left has said it is a symbol of racism/white supremacy.
If that isn't a metaphor for how very skewed our wonderful US history has become from 'social justice', I don't know what is.
Admittedly, this is one of my less successful decodes. The image is too pixelated for me to locate the elements of the image to identify their significance.
Having said that, there are still some overarching themes we see here; the founding of the United States, the significance of God and Jesus, and the connection to our financial system.
Taken as a whole with the other secret windows, this one seems to stay true to theme.
As an interesting side note, take a moment to head over to https://qposts.online/. Do some searches with keywords such as God, Jesus, biblical, bible, etc. Q doesn't shy away from the Christian significance to what is happening.
Also, please take a moment to read the 'ADDITIONAL NOTE' below on why these secret windows are important.
Okay, this one is fun! Serious 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' by L. Frank Baum references.
In the image we see the tin man standing on the yellow brick road holding a sign. The sign says:
At the very bottom of where the tin man is standing it says 'THOMAS X' with a coin to the right. The coin is too small for me to see, but maybe one of you can get a better look at it.
In the background is the Emerald City (aka the City of Emeralds), which is the Land of Oz's capital city.
If you feel like doing even a little surface digging, you can find a ton of great information regarding the multi-layered themes & symbolism of the Wizard of Oz story. Here's just a small sampling to get everyone started.
According to Ranker, it doesn’t take much analysis to see that the book has a subtext relating directly to the politics of the 1890s; specifically it relates to the rise of Populism that was going on at the time, and to the debate over whether to hold on to the gold standard for currency or start using silver as well.
Did you know L. Frank Baum was a political reporter for awhile? He also lived in South Dakota and was present to see the rise of the Populist movement. I wonder how much that drove his perspective.
They [Populists] demanded an increase in the circulating currency (to be achieved by the unlimited coinage of silver), a graduated income tax, government ownership of the railroads, a tariff for revenue only, the direct election of U.S. senators, and other measures designed to strengthen political democracy and give farmers economic parity with business and industry.
There is some great symbolism in Baum's story. Here are some examples listed in the Vintage News article.
Dorothy, the main character in the novel, is said to represent the average American. Her character represented the best of what was valued as the American character; she was kind, showed spunk, was level-headed, straightforward, and was willing to face the unknown to find answers to the issues she was faced with.
The Scarecrow:
The Scarecrow represents those farmers [note - the farmers who were under significant financial duress due to weather, pests, etc.]. The Scarecrow thinks he doesn’t have a brain, which parallels the view that Easterners in the country had of the farmers of the Midwest region, as being generally irrational, uneducated, and ignorant. The character shows a good deal of common sense as they make the journey to Oz, and a lot of resilience, proving that he is far less stupid than many people might think.
The Tin Man:
The Tin Man was said to represent a dehumanized and mistreated factory worker, who, through no fault of his own, has had his self-worth chipped away by outside forces. He represents factory workers who were suffering in the economy of the time and was even covered in rust when Dorothy and the Scarecrow first encounter him, representing the high levels of unemployment that were prevalent in the 1890s.
The Cowardly Lion:
The Cowardly Lion is, according to Littlefield, a representation of William Jennings Bryan, who was a hero of the Populist movement at the time. Bryan was even referred to as a lion in the press. He was a huge supporter of the “Free Silver Movement” and moving away from a gold standard.
The Wicked Witches:
The Wicked Witches are interpreted as a representation of the major financial-political interests that held sway over American politics. When Dorothy’s house falls on the Wicked Witch of the East, it’s a reference to smashing Wall Street’s power. Her sister, the Witch of the West, symbolizes the financial elite who lived in the western region of the country such as railroad magnates, bankers, etc.
The Cyclone:
The cyclone, according to a discussion of the story on the Wicked website, may represent the Free Silver Movement or perhaps just political upheaval in general.
Farmers of the Midwest wanted the dollar to have value equal to fixed ratios of both gold and silver, instead of just gold. The financial establishment was against this proposal, which caused a tremendous amount of debate among the politicians of the day.
Dorothy's Slippers:
Dorothy’s slippers were made of silver in Baum’s story, not of ruby. The change was made for the film in order to take advantage of the power of Technicolor. The silver slippers were, says Littlefield, yet another reference to the farmers’ desire to have money be tied to both silver and gold.
The Emerald City:
The Emerald City and the Royal Palace of Oz are placeholders for Washington, D.C. and the White House — the seats of political power and possibly also a reference to the greenback dollar.
The Wizard:
The Wizard, unsurprisingly, represents the President of the United States. In the story, the wizard is a charlatan who has convinced those around him that he wields great power, but who doesn’t really have much power at all. That point is highlighted when he asks Dorothy to go kill the Wicked Witch of the West for him.
Interesting side note - if you do a search of Q's drops for 'wizard', you will most often see that word used in conjuction with warlock [Wizards & Warlocks]. https://qposts.online/?q=wizard&s=keyword
Here's a Q post search for 'gold'. The most significant statement in this context seems to come from drop #2619 [Gold shall destroy FED.] https://qposts.online/?q=gold&s=keyword
The National Debt Clock is owned and maintained by the Durst Organization, which was founded by Seymour Durst, a New York real estate magnate who adjusted the tally via modem until his death in May 1995. After his death, his son Douglas became president of the Durst Organization, which owns and maintains the clock. Artkraft Strauss has been keeping the figures current since then.
This is interesting: During World War II, Artkraft supplied custom metal work to the United States military, including hand-made airplane wings and containers for installation in aircraft and tanks. When blackouts and energy shortages limited their ability to illuminate their signs through electricity and neon, the company developed alternative methods, including the use of rechargeable battery packs and dangling mirrors that picked up ambient light.
#12 Appeared tonight (Sunday), 10/29/2023 at 6 PM EST
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/wk2mqk.jpg
Abraham Lincoln is featured in tonight's US Debt Clock secret window. The image features two quotes. I believe both are from 1864.
As usual, there are additional visual elements to tonight's image that almost certainly will add nuance to the message, but I'm going to focus on the quotes themselves and their context. Except I will take a moment to point out the front and back sides of the $10 greenback currency shown on the upper left and right sides of the graphic. I believe that version is from 1863.
What is a greenback?
Looking at Lincoln's first quote (the one that calls for government to print currency to support government spending), I was honestly a little taken aback. If we have learned nothing else in our journey through discernment and awakening, it's that fiat currency is the devil. It's a tool for financial manipulation and enrichment of the parasitic class at the expense of the common population. So why would Abraham Lincoln call for such a thing?
I found this information, which may shed some light on his thinking (https://www.occ.gov/about/who-we-are/history/founding-occ-national-bank-system/lincoln-and-the-founding-of-the-national-banking-system.html).
From Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenback_(1860s_money)):
In essence, Lincoln introduced fiat currency to the US. We know the Civil War sent the government into great debt. Global banking powers took full advantage of that fact to undermine and gain control of the US economy at that time (as they have done and continue to do during all times of war and in all countries they can infiltrate).
I'm a bit surprised at Lincoln's role in the introduction of fiat currency in this context. From the source above, it appears he had good intentions. From the second quote in the secret window (where he points out the dangers of the power of money), it's obvious he recognizes the threat of 'money power'.
If we walk away from this secret window with no other message, we should know this. Debt and unsecured paper money leave us open to being enslaved. I do not use that word lightly. Fiat currency is the whip the deep state cracks upon the bent backs of humanity to maintain global power and control.
If we wish to take our power back, fiat currency must go.
==>Quick note about #11 (Thursday, 10/26/2023).
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/9zwpyg.jpg
I missed this one on Thursday, but here's a post from u/94f450d: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSxOicI5/us-debt-clock-tonight/c/.
Social credit scores and digital currency, anyone? I'm sure the deep state would never abuse such a system.<==
Someone in my previous thread asked why these secret windows are important. What's the big fuss about? These are fair questions.
I wrote a rather long response here (https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSo1OOod/x/c/4Tz0NRDLzqY), but here's a brief recap:
-The deep state derives great power from the accumulation (theft) of our wealth. -The deep state uses these financial gains to manipulate and enslave the world. -We need everyone to awaken, to join this fight! -These secret windows are an excellent way to help normies get there. -WWG1WGAWW & NCSWIC ==> BUT WE NEED ALL HANDS ON DECK TO DO IT!
To continue this theme...
Here's a great thread posted by u/Karmaskeeper81 which shows exactly why this is such an important topic (https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSsbGvBN/holy-crap-this-guy-is-right-on-a/c/): The Biggest Scam in the World
And here's just one in an endless list of examples of the deep state's financial duplicity, posted by u/xchainlinkx (https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSseddN3/until-acceptance-waiver-and-cons/c/): Goldman Sachs - piddly fine.
These are the past secret windows/announcements I'm aware of. There may be some I've missed. Feel free to chime in with any updates, corrections, observations, etc.
US Debt Clock site (https://www.usdebtclock.org/)
After opening (or refreshing) the site, be patient. It's been taking awhile to load.
The secret windows appear on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 PM to 12 AM EST, then they take them down.
#1 Appeared on or around 10/02/2023 (Maybe Sunday, 10/01).
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/nhthrd.jpg
It proclaims "The US Debt Clock.org (Secret Window) Premiers Tonight @ 9pm to 12am est. DON'T TELL ANYONE!"
I'm not certain when this image appeared. Either Sunday 10/01 or Monday 10/02. Interesting that the words are superimposed over a weathered plank. Significant or stylistic? Note the presence of the 'fish coin' on the bottom right of the image. More on that in a bit.
#2 Appeared on or around 10/02/2023 (after #1 above).
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/41zzcu.jpeg
It proclaims "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and Overthrew the tables of the Moneychangers"
Text is superimposed over a weathered plank again. The fish coin appears again in the lower right corner.
#3 Appeared on or around 10/09/2023.
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/bnoce1.png
The third image is quite a departure from the previous ones. I did a breakdown of some of the elements of it in another thread (https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSZrjmcy/x/c/4TxkdUWmKpA). Here's a quick overview:
The background image appears to be taken from an imaginary map of Jerusalem published in 1604.
There is an arch of seven angels and seven lamps which seems quite likely to refer to the Biblical seven nations.
There are the symbols of the alpha (bottom left) and the omega (bottom right) which are often used to refer to Jesus.
And finally there is the fish coin again. I believe it's a Biblical reference to Jesus telling Peter to fish. When Peter does as Jesus requests, he catches a fish with a coin in its mouth. The coin is enough to cover the temple repair taxes for both Jesus and Peter.
Go back and read that whole post for a lot of great input and additional detail from other frens.
#4 Appeared on or around 10/12/2023.
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/b3g2rp.jpg
I did a post about this image here: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSecwskb/us-debt-clock-graphic--will-work/c/enter text
It's an image of a tattered looking bearded man holding a sign that says (paraphrased) "Will work for gold, but I prefer silver."
#5 Appeared sometime on Sunday, 10/14/2023.
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/u6dkse.jpg
It's an announcement of the next Secret Window (tonight - Sunday, October 15th at 6 PM EST).
From there, they are scheduled to post new ones on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 6 PM to 12 AM EST.
#6 - appeared on Sunday, 10/14/2023 at 6 PM EST.
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/0q1sly.jpg
Holy cow!
This one is powerful! Two quotes (one from 1834 & one from 1850) from Andrew Jackson calling out the evils of 'paper money' and those who created it, along with his intention "to rout you out, and by thr eternal God, I will rout ou out."
He full on identifies congress and corporations for their machinations.
I love this one!
"You are a den of vipers and thieves and I intend to rout you out, and by th eeternal God, I will rout you out. If Congress has the right to issue paper money, it was given them to be used by themselves, and not to be delegated to individuals or corporations"
"Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, and from the multitude of coprporations with exclusive privileges...which are employed for their benefit"
#7 - appeared on Tuesday, 10/17/2023 at 6 PM EST.
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/6v3wyy.jpg
This image is a nifty little graphic illustrating how the Knights Templar might have enticed pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land to participate in the practice of using fiat currency instead of gold, silver, or other tangible assets.
I got a chuckle out of the call out at the end. Fiat currency is, at its core, a ponzi scheme. The cartoon bubbles communicate that quite well.
So I did a quick and dirty Brave search (knights templar fiat currency) just to see what I could see. The most striking thing - to me at least - is the wide shift in perspective on just what the Knights Templar accomplished in terms of banking.
Depending on the source, they were either brilliant financiers who amassed a great fortune while serving the currency needs of travelling pilgrims or they were liars and thieves who amassed that same fortune by swindling the pilgrims out of their precious hard assets.
Here is a quote that pulls no punches in where they fall.
From: https://conspiracy.fandom.com/wiki/Knights_Templar
I'm not really familiar with Mark Dice, but here's his youtube channel if you'd like to check him out: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkDice
I know several frens here have done deep digs on this topic. Love to see your thoughts.
#8 Appeared on Thursday, 10/19/2023 at 6 PM EST
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/fqg7k1.jpg
This one is simple, yet packs a powerful message. On the left is the iconic image of Uncle Sam pointing back at us as it says:
This is the absolute baseline of control used by the deep state to maintain their power. Throw in fear for good measure, and their playbook is laid bare.
On the right is an image that communicates how silver (the Liberty silver dollar) is not equal to fiat currency (US twenty dollar bill - note the bill features President Andrew Jackson).
Below that is what appears to be a rocker switch - one side is green and the other is red.
It doesn't take an analytical genius to see the message here. Deep state control. Fiat currency. Which would you choose: the green or the red switch?
#9 Appeared on Sunday, 10/22/2023 at 6 PM EST
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/05ggzt.jpg
The text on this image is from the Bible (Psalms 113:5):
From Psalm 113, this is an incredible message uplifting and exalting God. There are various contextual explanations of this passage, but I like this one the best (https://www.biblestudytools.com/kjv/psalms/passage/?q=psalms+113:5-9):
In the background of the image is an apparently historical map of United States. I can't read the text at all, so I can't narrow it down further, unfortunately.
On the outer bottom left and right corners are the symbols for the Alpha and the Omega (the beginning and the end - often used to refer to Jesus).
There is a statue in each bottom corner, but I just can't see them clearly enough to figure out what they are or what they might mean.
Still on the bottom, in the middle is a coin. It doesn't appear to be the fish coin, but I'm not sure what it is.
In the center is the Betsy Ross flag with thirteen stars and thirteen stripes representing - you guessed it - the thirteen colonies and the founding of the United States. In contemporary times, the left has said it is a symbol of racism/white supremacy.
If that isn't a metaphor for how very skewed our wonderful US history has become from 'social justice', I don't know what is.
Admittedly, this is one of my less successful decodes. The image is too pixelated for me to locate the elements of the image to identify their significance.
Having said that, there are still some overarching themes we see here; the founding of the United States, the significance of God and Jesus, and the connection to our financial system.
Taken as a whole with the other secret windows, this one seems to stay true to theme.
As an interesting side note, take a moment to head over to https://qposts.online/. Do some searches with keywords such as God, Jesus, biblical, bible, etc. Q doesn't shy away from the Christian significance to what is happening.
Also, please take a moment to read the 'ADDITIONAL NOTE' below on why these secret windows are important.
NOTE: There are some good digs from frens in this particular thread. Worth reading: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSsfnOfU/us-debt-clock--secret-window--6-/c/
#10 & #11 continued below...
#10 Appeared on Tuesday, 10/24/2023 at 6 PM EST
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/kg4arg.jpg
Okay, this one is fun! Serious 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' by L. Frank Baum references.
In the image we see the tin man standing on the yellow brick road holding a sign. The sign says:
At the very bottom of where the tin man is standing it says 'THOMAS X' with a coin to the right. The coin is too small for me to see, but maybe one of you can get a better look at it.
In the background is the Emerald City (aka the City of Emeralds), which is the Land of Oz's capital city.
If you feel like doing even a little surface digging, you can find a ton of great information regarding the multi-layered themes & symbolism of the Wizard of Oz story. Here's just a small sampling to get everyone started.
From: https://www.thevintagenews.com/2019/04/12/wizard-of-oz-symbolism/
Did you know L. Frank Baum was a political reporter for awhile? He also lived in South Dakota and was present to see the rise of the Populist movement. I wonder how much that drove his perspective.
The Populist movement during the late 1800s focused on agricultural, labor, and taxation/currency issues. Specific to their attitudes on currency, from https://www.britannica.com/money/topic/Populist-Movement:
There is some great symbolism in Baum's story. Here are some examples listed in the Vintage News article.
The Scarecrow:
The Tin Man:
The Cowardly Lion:
The Wicked Witches:
The Cyclone:
Dorothy's Slippers:
The Emerald City:
The Wizard:
Interesting side note - if you do a search of Q's drops for 'wizard', you will most often see that word used in conjuction with warlock [Wizards & Warlocks]. https://qposts.online/?q=wizard&s=keyword
Here's a Q post search for 'gold'. The most significant statement in this context seems to come from drop #2619 [Gold shall destroy FED.] https://qposts.online/?q=gold&s=keyword
Interestingly, there are no Q posts that mention the word 'silver'. Hmm. https://qposts.online/?q=silver&s=keyword
Okay, this is just a small dig. I know there's more to be found, but at least this is a start. :-)
#11 Appeared on Thursday, 10/26/2023 at 6 PM EST
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/9zwpyg.jpg
I missed this one, but here's a post from u/94f450d: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSxOicI5/us-debt-clock-tonight/c/
Social credit scores and digital currency, anyone? I'm sure the deep state would never abuse such a system.
This was posted by u/JohhnyMagnum357. Very interesting graph pointing out the dollar to silver ratio: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSeUzZXn/new-usdebtclock-message-i-like-t/c/
General questions/observations (in no particular order):
Who owns & runs USDebtClock.org?
How are they gathering the data shown?
Is the data accurate?
What can we learn from the data?
What data should we be tracking most closely?
Note the intimate intertwining of financial data and Biblical references in the images.
Great digging posted by u/Kingslea re US Debt Clock ownership and data gathering. Hopefully someone can verify/add to this information.
Post #1: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSo1OOod/x/c/4Tz0NMXqF6G
Post #2: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSo1OOod/x/c/4Tz0NMXqWHf