He went to school with Justin Trudeau and his mother worked as a journalist for Justin's father. I find it funny how all these people are always connected
Many of the kids who go to top teir schools all click together and promote each other. They go to the same summer camps. Same frats. It’s a tight knit club. And we’re not in it.
As someone who was exposed to that in the 90s (T1 school, "original 8" frat), I can tell you that it is not an absolute ticket for success, or especially elitism. Trust me. I do hold decent jobs in a stable career field, but it is 100% hustle on my end and 0% connections. Annecdotally, I can also say that "frats" since the start of the 21st Century have withered in places in the NE and West Coast (and Midwest private liberal arts too). They simply don't crank out the same kind of man they did even 20 years ago. NOTE: I was not at Harvard or especially Yale; at those places it is more that the secret societies "tap" rising Juniors and usually Seniors after they are monitored and vetted.
He went to school with Justin Trudeau and his mother worked as a journalist for Justin's father. I find it funny how all these people are always connected
Many of the kids who go to top teir schools all click together and promote each other. They go to the same summer camps. Same frats. It’s a tight knit club. And we’re not in it.
As someone who was exposed to that in the 90s (T1 school, "original 8" frat), I can tell you that it is not an absolute ticket for success, or especially elitism. Trust me. I do hold decent jobs in a stable career field, but it is 100% hustle on my end and 0% connections. Annecdotally, I can also say that "frats" since the start of the 21st Century have withered in places in the NE and West Coast (and Midwest private liberal arts too). They simply don't crank out the same kind of man they did even 20 years ago. NOTE: I was not at Harvard or especially Yale; at those places it is more that the secret societies "tap" rising Juniors and usually Seniors after they are monitored and vetted.
Thank goodness!