posted ago by MAG768720 ago by MAG768720 +19 / -0

A couple of years ago or so, and on a different website, I ran across a thread of people responding to someone who claimed (indirectly) to be a member of the Rothschild family.

It was a Q & A session, with some interesting nuggets of info/ideas from the "Roth" person.

I thought of it as a LARP, and I found several answers that were not true (but then, what should I expect from a known criminal organized crime family?).

But in the mix, I also found some interesting insights on life in general, and some plausible explanations for what [they] had in store for the future.

This was pre-Covid, BTW.

Anyway, a couple of the posts referenced US law that related to the Federal Reserve System.

There were 3 federal statutes, which "Roth" claimed that if one could understand the statute and combine it with other knowledge about the finanical system, could make a person rich OVERNIGHT.

The 3 statutes are:

31 USC 5116

Buying and Selling Gold and Silver


31 USC 5117

Transferring Gold and Gold Certficates


12 USC 411

Issuance to Reserve Banks; Nature of Obligation; Redemption


Anyone wanna take a crack at it?