Even after the lie is exposed...
- SALT -
A person who lies with high energy can confuse, mislead, and deceive others. However, even after the lie is exposed, people who have been deceived can still cling to their false beliefs. Many people are so convinced that they are right that they refuse to change their minds, even when presented with evidence to the contrary. The more wrong someone's beliefs are, the more stubbornly they will hold onto them.
Indeed. Which is why I’ve believed and caught flack for stating.
Any recovery is going to be the work of decades if not longer. Many People can’t or won’t immediately abandon ideas that in some cases have defined their lives and given them purpose. A retarded detrimental purpose. But a Purpose nonetheless.
There’s a colloquialism that would likely apply here “Science advances one funeral at a time.” Switch out Science for recovery and you’ll probably get a rough idea of the grinding slog ahead.