Even after the lie is exposed...
- SALT -
A person who lies with high energy can confuse, mislead, and deceive others. However, even after the lie is exposed, people who have been deceived can still cling to their false beliefs. Many people are so convinced that they are right that they refuse to change their minds, even when presented with evidence to the contrary. The more wrong someone's beliefs are, the more stubbornly they will hold onto them.
They do, but when provided with the truth we are willing to see it and change our views....
I think the difference between us we're are curious, and curious things we dig into for the solution - even if the answers proves our first impressions were wrong.
I know a trump supporter (with vax regret) and awaking up... but dealing with them is exhausting ....they switch their entire memory of our conversations around so that in the end (and we already agree) she's twisted around everything until she feels she is in the position of being "right". Ughhhh. She was liberal in her youth, and that need to be right is soo deep.
That is a horrific merry-go-round. I was on it. I’d have these deep thoughts & my environment was overwhelmingly liberal. If I shared my thoughts, I wouldn’t have friends. To a young person at the time, that is everything. I would cop out by not talking politics or religion. Thank goodness for Rush Limbaugh. I was a closet Conservative for decades, before Trump rode down the escalator! 🤣
Lol, I just don't understand the need of having to be "right".
Idk, I'm wrong a LOT and it's ok, it's not that they're just being stubborn ... I'm really stubborn lol.
I loved Rush too.
Which I think it is why it’s a mental health thingy!
Yeah. I think you're right. There's so much of it on so many spectrums....