I am getting so many gimmees in the mail, on emails and tothe extent that if I gave the minimum amount, I would be bankrupt in a couple weeks-my solution? I unsubscribe, block and delete emails, hrow away the 'pay to play' surveys etc.
this electuion season is crazier than ever with billions of $$ being diverted from tight budgets to ad agencies who will say anything for a buck..
I remember a time when election budgets were up to low 6 figures depending on the race.. 😣
I am getting so many gimmees in the mail, on emails and tothe extent that if I gave the minimum amount, I would be bankrupt in a couple weeks-my solution? I unsubscribe, block and delete emails, hrow away the 'pay to play' surveys etc. this electuion season is crazier than ever with billions of $$ being diverted from tight budgets to ad agencies who will say anything for a buck..
I remember a time when election budgets were up to low 6 figures depending on the race.. 😣