Satanic sex ring of ‘witches and wizards’ behind horrific abuse of children
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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So are you saying this trial didnt happen? Thast the quotes by the advocate are lies? Or are you just trying to convince us to move along, nothing to see here?
No. Its just look here and not there. Another MSM rag that tries to keep us in a state of fear and anger.
I understand that but it is still notable and should have light shone on it. We are the public tip of the spear here and should have a solid handle on our emotions. Would you have us ignore articles on pizzagate because they can induce fear and anger? Or the Big Guys criminality? The Podestas sick art? Marina Abramovichs spirit cooking? Hillarys or clintoncide count? Faucis mass genocide? Everywhere we look in this war we see deep evil. We cant be blind to it simply because it comes from a rag that pushes fear and anger.
I am not the one trying to promote divisions, these papers and a multitude of others are doing just that. We can't ignore the evil we see but we can ignore trash like the Metro and the TV stations.