Sister-in-law diagnosed with breast cancer. Requesting a favor. 🙏🏼
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I’ve seen several good posts on this board in the past with lists of natural remedies for cancer.
Always wondered when I’d be the one requesting - now I am. Any info is appreciated.
Thank you!
Broq main sell is sulforophane
If you grow microgreen broccoli sprouts, they have many times the sulforiphane (I think 10x) as adult brocolli by the same weight. They are much cheaper too and your body has evolved to digest sulfurophane this way.
Sulforaphane and Its Effects on Cancer, Mortality, Aging, Brain and Behavior, Heart Disease & More | FoundMyFitness
It's impressive, it can help reduce severe autism related symptoms by 30% and has similar affects for people with ADHD. Has to do with reducing oxidation of the brain.