Sister-in-law diagnosed with breast cancer. Requesting a favor. 🙏🏼
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I’ve seen several good posts on this board in the past with lists of natural remedies for cancer.
Always wondered when I’d be the one requesting - now I am. Any info is appreciated.
Thank you!
Fenbendazole. Do some non-google searches on it, or check it out here:
Change diet to anti inflammatory foods.
100% get on the antionflamatory paleo diet it sucks but it helps
All sugar (even natural sources like fruit) feed cancer cells. The OP's sister-in-law might want to cut out all carbohydrates (less than 30 grams of carbohydrates per day). Most of your carbs are going to come from vegetables in the form of salads. I can't speak from 1st hand experience with respect to diet and cancer, but I can say that I lost 25 lbs on Keto in 6 months and have more energy then ever. Our food is poison and if we want to be healthy we have to be vigilant with what we consume.