Based on what I'm reading, it's up to the sitting President what clearance former presidents may have. So if Trump had/has security clearance after leaving office, it's because Biden cleared him.
Information needs to be shared between administrations to continue important work the previous started. Like how GWB helped Obama's administration in the search for bin Laden by sharing info GWB learned during his term.
Wake up ... hiden biden is resident not president and President Trump is the CIC (commander in chief). None of us need NOTHING from this fake hidenbiden.
Sorry, I don't agree with the theory that Trump is secretly still the president/CIC. Because if that was true, it means Trump is fucking up the country big time.
People that believe that theory want to attribute anything good that happens to Trump secretly being president, while simultaneously blaming Biden for the shitty things that happen. You can't have it both ways. You can't have a dual set of Presidents; one who takes the credit for the good and another who takes the blame for the bad. The sitting President/CIC is responsible for ALL that happens on his watch. "The buck stops here", remember?
So if Trump is really the President/CIC right now, that means he's the one responsible for inflation, insecure borders, supply chain issues, vaccine mandates for the military, possibly launching WW3, and getting us involved in Ukraine and supplying them with billions of dollars of taxpayer money, arming them, and sending our troops over there. Add all the other tire fires going on that I've missed that Biden gets blamed for, as well. (Note that I 100% blame Biden for these things. I don't want anyone to think I'm defending him here.)
That's why I don't believe Trump is still really the President/CIC. I refuse to believe that he would fuck this country up like this.
Based on what I'm reading, it's up to the sitting President what clearance former presidents may have. So if Trump had/has security clearance after leaving office, it's because Biden cleared him.
Information needs to be shared between administrations to continue important work the previous started. Like how GWB helped Obama's administration in the search for bin Laden by sharing info GWB learned during his term.
Wake up ... hiden biden is resident not president and President Trump is the CIC (commander in chief). None of us need NOTHING from this fake hidenbiden.
Sorry, I don't agree with the theory that Trump is secretly still the president/CIC. Because if that was true, it means Trump is fucking up the country big time.
People that believe that theory want to attribute anything good that happens to Trump secretly being president, while simultaneously blaming Biden for the shitty things that happen. You can't have it both ways. You can't have a dual set of Presidents; one who takes the credit for the good and another who takes the blame for the bad. The sitting President/CIC is responsible for ALL that happens on his watch. "The buck stops here", remember?
So if Trump is really the President/CIC right now, that means he's the one responsible for inflation, insecure borders, supply chain issues, vaccine mandates for the military, possibly launching WW3, and getting us involved in Ukraine and supplying them with billions of dollars of taxpayer money, arming them, and sending our troops over there. Add all the other tire fires going on that I've missed that Biden gets blamed for, as well. (Note that I 100% blame Biden for these things. I don't want anyone to think I'm defending him here.)
That's why I don't believe Trump is still really the President/CIC. I refuse to believe that he would fuck this country up like this.
Actually that is what is happening. It is a giant operation that is mirroring the shadow Presidency that Obama ran to undermine President Trump.
Now the roles are reversed.
So you're saying that Trump is deliberately fucking up the country to undermine Biden?
Also, are you saying that Obama was secretly still the president/CIC during Trump's presidency?
Because that's what it looks like you're saying here.