I've been an agnostic observer of the Q movement since very early on, and one thing that has impressed me has been the hope and faith of the adherents. I don't mean that as any kind of commentary on Q; personally, I think it was an inside person or persons posting, but I also do not believe that it was a successful endeavor, whatever the goal may have been. More like a wishful insider who failed to accomplish their objective.
Yet here I am watching all of you carry the torch, full of hope. And for all that the media loves to demonize the Q movement, what that says to me is that, at least here, these are quality people with good hearts, striving for a better future. Whether or not I agree with the source of that hope is irrelevant; what matters is that same kind of hope and faith has been the foundation of great societies throughout history, and I'm thankful to have the privilege of witnessing good people strive for a higher purpose.
Thank you.
That is difficult to say, and part of the agnosticism. There are clear proofs of inside information at times. I feel like that is well founded. But to balance that, there are many posts that sound like fantasies and have not come to fruition.
I do believe simply raising awareness was a goal. And rallying support for Trump. But unlike many who think the movement is winning, I remain very skeptical. There are all these lofty statements, and I see everyone hoping that this year will be the year the post was meant for, but I don't see the groundwork to make any of those lofty statements come true.
For example, I was not surprised by 2020. It went exactly as I expected, right down to finding ways to stop the counting as needed. Because I see the people who are the ground forces for corruption every day.
And I think that's the piece where I disagree with most here. Yes, we need hope and faith. Of course we should never give up on striving for a better day and a better world. But the corruption in our country is unassailable through conventional means. It has a stranglehold on media, education, military, and government. Not just at the top, but throughout the ranks. And history suggests very few options for changing that, and none that I think are possible in the modern world.
Essentially, I think Q was meant to motivate people. And I have great respect for the hope and faith of the people here. I just think it's a century too late to make a difference. Yet even if I am not a Q adherent like most here, I, too, will keep doing my part to make a difference. The good fight goes on, and there's no point in ever giving up.
Thank you for your kind reply.
As I comprehend the gist of your comment, you seem to indicate that the object was to 1. "raise awareness", 2. "rallying support for Trump", 3. "motivate people".
Your reflecting on the current state seems to confirm that that perceived objective has been achieved:
I fully sympathize with your view that certain of the Q-posts are quite dark and have not yet come to fruition. Or maybe they have, we just fail to see it, as news unlocks ....
With regards to the 2020 election, I have really expressed my view that we could win this thing, despite the shenanigans. And admittedly, for a moment I was taken aback. And then it hit me: it was part of the show people instead of telling. "they will fight (all assets deployed), but you are ready.
When looking at the current state of affairs, the constituents making up the group following Q, is quite different from the one in late October of 2017. Or even January 2020.
You are expressing your views with considerable thought and neutrality. Personally, I like that. On the road to logical thinking and not letting emotions cloud our judgement, I, too, see that we are all on different points of progress on this road.
Yet, I do see progress. And it would not surprise me that this state of being is a main driver of the plan. It is not the cavalry coming over the hill to rescue the beleaguered homesteaders, or the famous 30th choir driving single column over the Dutch dikes to rescue the paratroopers at the Arnhem bridge, but it is us: the people.
Considering the people: we, as a group in general, have ways to go. We learned to be helpless, to be in a diminutive (dhimmie) state. And yet, I see changes, slowly, noisily creaking turning of the population wheel.
Then on top, there is this platform. The way it operates seems rather odd, as it is geared towards hit and run. It allows for the same message to be repeated and this all happens within the context of the vogue of the day. For deeper analysis or discussion, as a driver for the conveyance of knowledge, it does not seem to be very fitting. The search facility is crippled. And using a search engine to sort through all the posts, does also not do a very good job. In that sense voat was better equipped.
Fact remains, and that will not lessen, people are moved by emotion or the sense of survival. That is about 70 - 80% of the populace. Within the confines of my work, I see it everyday. It is comical to see it. It slows down group processes towards greater autonomy, but on the other hand, it also binds people together.
In that sense, I can see the reason for the supposition that Q failed. On the other, understanding that emotion is a wave, a coloration on the experience, and HOW that state of being is influenced by the Fake News Media, and the Masonic club members (See Robin de Ruiter), that in and of itself is a biggie.
The second step: of accepting that and working through it, requires a discipline and virtue like Washington expressed in his farewell address. Taking the time to reflect on our selves, instead of diving headlong in every experience life in this world has to offer, is the ticket. Last week, one of my clients expressed the steps he had taken. Instead of following 8 hours a day the habbenings on social media, he made the decision to take a few steps back, look at the essentials, and execute his own plan. These days, he said, it is much more difficult for him to be emotionally manipulated and brought into dis-balance.
And, there is one other thought, I also keep in mind. This platform, as it is, allows many to connect and experience a different way of thinking, than perhaps their own environment allows for. Not being able to discuss the things one would find interesting and valuable, is.... rather lonely, wouldn't you say?
Last week, I was in a little town where my ancestors have lived and worked. The town itself is like 500/600 years old. While I was leaving the Hotel-Café, my niece said: look, a field-mouse. I responded while walking onto the terrace: it is a field-mouse identifying as a house-mouse.
There was a couple sitting on that terrace enjoying a late fall coffee, and they laughed out loud. We looked at each other smiling. And at that moment something was established: they knew they were not alone. A quick wink and we all went about our lives again.
It may not seem to count as much. I'd like to think these people were encouraged to continue.
Then I look at history. Aknaten, Solon, all these types who have tried to change the way thing were, allowing for the normies to take their rightful places as sovereigns of their own lives. Yes, they were overcome by the system. I found the Solon story especially poignant when compared to our own times.
What sets our times apart from those?
It reminded me of the album: 666 by Aphrodites Child. The first song is called the system:
Ha! Who would have thought! In all of history, where we are now, this has never been the case. The development of the modern state over the course of the last say: 600 years, institutionalizing everything, where both the elite and the common man have to work it out, is totally getting out of hand. And not just in our western civilizations. But everywhere around the globe.
One thing though, I should say with these final words of this post: your agnostic position allows you the benefit of watching the movies as it is. Even from an intellectual point of view, it can be highly entertaining. I do hope you like popcorn. ;-)