posted ago by Oldpatriot ago by Oldpatriot +139 / -3

America’s Reaping the Whirlwind We need men to step up and lead their families based on solid biblical principles.

!!!“Even Donald Trump realizes that”!!!

ROGER HELLE MORE BY THIS AUTHOR “For they sow the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind!” (Hosea 8:7, NASB) The prophet Hosea was warning the nation of Israel that its rebellion against God and its sowing to the pagan gods of the nations around it would result in a whirlwind of God’s judgement. Israel would soon go into captivity. America has been sowing to the gods of secularism and progressivism, and the culture is reaping a whirlwind of consequences. Our universities, especially the elite ones, have been cesspools of failure for years. The radicals who took over universities in protest of the Vietnam War are now the professors teaching our kids. It’s NOT a new phenomenon; it’s gone on for decades. Remember Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, the Weather Underground terrorists whose bombs killed people? In a perfect world, they would be in prison; but because of a technicality, they went free and became tenured professors in our universities. Both are unrepentant for their pasts. There is a long list of activists and domestic terrorists teaching our kids. America is reaping the whirlwind of these leftists’ hatred for our country. I wrote about our hysterical politicians and media last week, so I wasn’t surprised when demonstrations broke out nationwide protesting Israel’s actions against Hamas. College students want “peace” so bad in the Middle East that they’re willing to beat the crap out of anyone who stands in their way. I fear some of these protests will lead to someone’s death! The cultural rot has flowed down into our high schools as well. In one school, students chased two representatives from Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA off campus. They were then attacked, and one was beaten when they tried to escort an elderly Jewish couple away from the mob. These incidents did not happen in a vacuum. It’s a fact that “what one generation tolerates, the next generation embraces.” My generation (Baby Boomers) tolerated the hippies, sex, drugs, and rock and roll culture of the 1960s. We’re reaping the whirlwind of our lack of courage to follow the biblical admonition, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). If a nation has strong families, the country will be strong; weak, broken, dysfunctional families result in weak nations. We need courageous leaders like Daniel, Joseph, and Joshua. Instead, we have Joe Biden, a serial liar and a weak leader. Joe sees himself as a superhero; our enemies see a weak man they do not take seriously. Biden chose to abandon Afghanistan to terrorists and tell Vladimir Putin that a limited invasion into Ukraine would be okay. Let’s not forget, he made a deal with the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, Iran. Don’t enforce oil sanctions. Give Iran billions to free hostages and pretend it’s not firing off rockets at our troops in Iraq and Syria. What could possibly go wrong? How about an Iranian-backed attack on Israel, for starters! Politicians are not the nation’s savior in this crisis. They helped create it. But there is hope, and it can only be found in the in person of Jesus Christ. !!Even Donald Trump realizes that.!! We need men to step up and lead their families based on solid biblical principles. Not “religion,” but biblical Christianity. Any takers?