posted ago by Oldpatriot ago by Oldpatriot +97 / -0

A PERSONAL NOTE FROM PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP AFTER TAKING THE WITNESS STAND Never in a million years did I think this is what would become of the country that I’ve loved so dearly my entire life. America has descended into utter tyranny. Right before our very eyes, our once beautiful Republic is being transformed into a Marxist tin-pot dictatorship where Crooked Joe’s regime has weaponized the legal system against not only a former president (your favorite, I might add), but against the very citizens he swore an oath to protect. And it saddens me to say that there is truly nothing less American than what you witnessed yesterday… I was forced to take the stand in a SHAM TRIAL to defend my livelihood, my incredible business, and my family from what is being called the “corporate death penalty.” Make no mistake this has nothing to do with justice, fairness, or the rule of law. In fact, the Radical Democrats can’t even identify a “victim” in this fabricated “case” against me. This is nothing more than Crooked Joe’s latest act of ELECTION INTERFERENCE! And the ONLY REASON I was forced into the courtroom and onto the witness stand, is because it meant I was consequently forced OFF the campaign trail at a time when we are WINNING like never before: “Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden, Times/Siena Poll Finds” Voters in battleground states said they trusted Donald J. Trump over President Biden on the economy, foreign policy and immigration [Source: New York Times] If you ever wondered what TRUE desperation looks like for Crooked Joe and the Democrats, this is it. And I hope that above all else, my testimony served as a reminder for patriots like YOU that I will NEVER, EVER SURRENDER our country to their tyranny.