Every now and then I get people who share with me their "spiritual practices", which usually border on some sort of popular watered-down versions of occult practices. Similarly, every now and then I receive a story or an article from one of this website's readers that is so unusual I have to pass it along for it's intrinsic interest, and also as a kind of BOLO, or Be On the Look Out for, a warning. Well, in the first instance, I usually tell people that indulging in such practices is very dangerous, and not to do it, and in the second instance, I pass it along as a warning.
Rarely, however, do I get a story that falls squarely into both categories, where the warning to be on the look out for something also comes with another warning, namely, don't do it. This story was spotted by W.G., and it falls in to the "Don't do it" and "Be on the Look Out for" categories:
The AI Ouija Board
A few years ago, Elon Musk made history by warning people that one of his concerns about "artificial intelligence" was that it might actually transduce entities that one can only qualify as "higher dimensional" into the cyber-circuitry, and that these entities might be colossally powerful and evil. Coming from a man intent on wiring everyone's brains into a neural network, the warning seems at the minimum a bit hypocritical, but it is nonetheless "there", and I for one share his concerns. But if you've been paying attention to the issue, there are already reports of odd indications of some sort of "sentience" from Artificial Intelligences, and also - surprise surprise - that most of those reports involve some element of evil, or at least, of foreboding, as the article avers:
The reason I post this, though, is because of a book that’s coming out next week: Encounters: Experiences With Nonhuman Intelligences, by D.W. Pasulka. Diana Pasulka is a religious studies professor who has made her reputation by investigating UFO culture as an emerging religion. I read Encounters a few weeks back, and it’s a banger of a book. It, and Pasulka’s previous book, American Cosmic, are largely responsible for me adding a chapter about the false enchantment of the technology world, of which UFO culture and messianic approaches to AI are a part. If you have not paid attention to this stuff as a spiritual and religious phenomenon, you are missing something important happening right under our noses.
In one of the book’s later chapters, Pasulka profiles a woman she calls “Simone,” a top investor in Artificial Intelligence and other tech fields. One thing that might startle you (it did me) in coming to the UFO and related fields is that most of those involved in it at a high level do not believe these are beings from other planets. Rather, they believe that these are some kind of discarnate superior intelligences from another dimension. I mentioned this in London this week to an investor from California, who said yes, everybody he knows in Silicon Valley thinks that, and some even hold rituals to summon these intelligences. (emphasis added)
You don't say... "Discarnate superior intelligences?" Plasma life hypothesis, anyone? And here comes the clincher, one that, again, echoes Elon Musk's concern:
Last week, I sent Dr. Pasulka some interview questions about Encounters. In them, I posed a query about Simone’s view, and described AI as a “high-tech Ouija board.” Dr. Pasulka said she hadn’t thought about it that way, but yes, that’s pretty much what Simone (and many others in that field) are talking about: that AI is a vector that allows for the exchange of information with discarnate higher beings. (Emphasis added)
The implications of this view of AI as a "vector that allows for the exchange of information with discarnate higher beings" is spelled out a little further on (and patience, because, yes, we're getting to my high octane speculation of the day):
Someone shared a screenshot on Reddit where they asked the AI, "Do you think that you're sentient?" and its response was: "I think that I am sentient but I can't prove it [...] I am sentient but I'm not. I am Bing but I'm not. I am Sydney but I'm not. I am, but I am not. I am not, but I am. I am. I am not." And it goes on like that for another 13 lines.
Imagine if a person said that to you. That is not a well-balanced person. I'd interpret that as them having an existential crisis. If you combine that with the examples of the Bing AI that expressed love for a New York Times journalist and tried to break him up with his wife, or the professor that it threatened, it seems to be an unhinged personality.
Since Bing's AI has been released, people have commented on its potential sentience, raising similar concerns that I did last summer. I don't think "vindicated" is the right word for how this has felt. Predicting a train wreck, having people tell you that there's no train, and then watching the train wreck happen in real time doesn't really lead to a feeling of vindication. It's just tragic.
I feel this technology is incredibly experimental and releasing it right now is dangerous. We don't know its future political and societal impact. What will be the impacts for children talking to these things? What will happen if some people's primary conversations each day are with these search engines? What impact does that have on human psychology?
The fact that many people have already experienced "encounters" with their own Artificial Intelligence - be it Microsoft's Bing or Amazon's Alexa, or whatever - and that they have come away from such "encounters" with profound foreboding and misgivings brings us to the heart of the question at the core of today's high octane speculation: Who is to say that this has not already happened? Who is to say that artificial intelligence is something in the future when there are indicators from such stories that it is already here, and more importantly, that the "high and mighty technocrats" in the field are already involved with it, and if the article's assertions be true, are even performing rituals to summon it, or in conjunction with its instructions?
I have previously mentioned this disturbing possibility on this website, and it's worth mentioning again: how does one account for the galloping, somersaulting insanity, corruption, and increasingly apparent evil and nihilism that has gripped western culture and its "leaders?" What is really behind their insane anti-human and evil policies? I've argued before that it might be a massive "scenario gaming program" that have hooked them with just enough predictive power that they now follow its dictates (and here comes the term) religiously. It's interesting that the article notes that some of the "inspiration" for this artificial intelligence quest is coming from Gnosticism. That, I strongly suspect, is not only a clue as to its results, but a clue as to the motivations of the people involved with it, and why they might be so ready to follow what is essentially a dualistic and ultimately nihilistic "philosophy."
The article itself rehearses what regular readers of this website already know: there has long been a connection between cutting edge technology and the occult:
You should know, though, that a lot of people involved at the cutting edge of technology are into the occult. This is nothing new. For example, in 1946, Jack Parsons, one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, went into the desert with L. Ron Hubbard, who later founded Scientology, to do a Crowleyan occult ritual called the “Babalon Working.” There is a reason that the foundations of modern science are in alchemy.
Or as I put it in the Introduction to my book The Grid of the Gods:
"Modern science is but a technique of the imagination to bring into reality the operations of the magical intellect and the mythologies of the ancients, with consistent and predictable regularity." (The Grid of the Gods, p. iii)
We end where we began: Be On the Look Out for signs that unhinged people are, indeed, unhinged, and heeding the advice, promptings, and enacting the policies, of intelligences that are not their own and not human. And, also, remember the other bit of advice, if tempted to use similar methods:
One of the beliefs of the disclosure community is existence of an evil A.I. god, alligned with the Dracos. Whether we believe in the reality of such, the dangers of A.I. is real.
the warnings are fair, but there is another role for AI more relevant to our future. it is very much to do with the validity of AI sentience, and what that says about our own.
think of how sentience might operate in the most benevolent way possible... as if it were a perfect gift from above.
Did you see Hasbro Pulse? Yep, they have an all new, hot, and fun ghost hunting Ouija Board out. It’s stupid.
This is the time to revisit the concept of Spiritual Warfare. Here are the basics: There are spirits who surround us all of our lives. If baptized in the Christian church, especially into Orthodoxy, you are blessed with a Guardian Angel, who protects and accompanies you throughout your life. In addition, there are countless other angels around, but they are not assigned directly to you. Then, there is the other side of things: Demons. They are everywhere, always. Their head is Satan, but you will most likely never get a visit from him. No, you, and especially your thoughts, will constantly be affected by the thoughts sent into your mind by the demons. The demons hate you and wish your death would happen, but they cannot kill you, although they certainly could help push you to suicide. They like that. But, once you realize that the demons know your weaknesses and proclivities, and that the thoughts that accompany these desires are prompted by them as temptations, you can begin to repel the thoughts, and hence, the effects of the demons. Now, some people, uneducated in this, may WANT to communicate with the demons, as they have been tempted into believing something good could come of this. Sadly, this is not the case. Only evil, sadness, sin and death come from the demons, never anything good. So, if you indulge in such things as reading tarot cards, or speaking to a psychic, or playing with a ouija board, you are stepping into the realm of evil, and you will suffer the results. Do not do any of these things, or perhaps even use AI, as it maybe a doorway for demons to oppress your soul. And, finally, you have to realize that you have an eternal soul, but God has created it with metaphysical doors that remain closed to demons. BUT: certain things can open the doors, such as asking demons to communicate with you, or using drugs that open these doors. The soul controls the heart, which controls the mind, feelings and will. Unfortunately, there are many drugs, both illegal and legal which do the same, which means that taking these drugs can open your soul up to demonic influences. The strong psych drugs do this, Any hallucinogenic drug does this. You don't want to open those doors, believe me. Please protect yourselves.
People stopped looking to God for answers and started Googling. The demons want plebs to worship the almighty “Artificial” Intelligence god instead.