R3: quarter life crisis- I do remember that time and it is hard. Part of the problem is she is not too far out of school which offers a lot of structure and there are paths and goals that are more or less defined but upon leaving school, it is not as clear.
Also, for many women, the skills for which they are rewarded for in school - straight As, being "a good girl" - are not necessarily the ones that lead to success in the work world. That is a big lesson, especially for the high achievers.
R3: quarter life crisis- I do remember that time and it is hard. Part of the problem is she is not too far out of school which offers a lot of structure and there are paths and goals that are more or less defined but upon leaving school, it is not as clear.
Also, for many women, the skills for which they are rewarded for in school - straight As, being "a good girl" - are not necessarily the ones that lead to success in the work world. That is a big lesson, especially for the high achievers.