But after sleep comes an awakening no? The entire structural apparatus of this nation was rigged. It’s impossible for the elite to have accomplished this level of wealth accumulation. We’re last the French Revolution level of inequality. Trump jr did a rumble video in 2021 where he said everything is rigged.
At least in the third world they expect fraud. Americans are sleeping.
Time to bring back the old saying. You snooze you loose. Just this time it will be whole country.
But after sleep comes an awakening no? The entire structural apparatus of this nation was rigged. It’s impossible for the elite to have accomplished this level of wealth accumulation. We’re last the French Revolution level of inequality. Trump jr did a rumble video in 2021 where he said everything is rigged.
If you go back in history . Gen Custer pointed out corruption in the Grant administration.
They never cleaned it up in DC, as we can see today.
It’s a business.
From what I’m seeing. This country never properly reconstructed after the civil war. The klan (dnc) was never dealt with. Just metastasized.