"A handful of citizens on the Internet provided accurate reporting on the situation in Ukraine for the last two years, while Western governments and the 2.3 TRILLION dollar media industry fed you lies and propaganda.
And everyone is just carrying on like it didn’t happen."(Clandestine)
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It pisses me off
I hope when the white hats take over the mainstream, they will rub everyone's noses in the lies we were told and who started them.
Patrick Lancaster is my go to for Russia Ukraine news
LMAO. Just carrying on are we? I’m ready to see our entire government hang. Been ready for a long time. What the fuck do you expect me to do clandestine? Do I abandon work and providing for my family to go stand on a street corner with a sign? Or get in to politics to have an election stolen from me? I’m so sick of these talking heads stating DOGSHIT as a matter of fact without giving any suggestions on what to do about it.