always interesting to see pedosta in the news. remember how he was on epsteins plane? with bill clinton, on a trip to portugal? on a different date, epsteins plane made a quick trip to paris, france . may4, 2007. then flew to bangor, maine on the 8th, then returned to newark, nj before flying to st thomas, in the virgin islands. why mention this? didnt maddie mccann disappear from portugal on the 3rd of may?
Everybody thinks Obama is holding Biden's strings when in all likelihood, it's SKIPPY
everyone gets a free pallet of cash
First arrest
How much Pizza could he get for himself, his brother Tony, and all of his Perverted Cronies controlling that amount of money?
Where is Tony?
anyone actually seen this guy in years?,5169.2&SUIH=ZIoarAVXnOrKtBSL7HPwEQ&redir=aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi5tLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9XaGl0ZV9Ib3VzZV9PZmZpY2Vfb25fQ2xlYW5fRW5lcmd5X0lubm92YXRpb25fYW5kX0ltcGxlbWVudGF0aW9u
always interesting to see pedosta in the news. remember how he was on epsteins plane? with bill clinton, on a trip to portugal? on a different date, epsteins plane made a quick trip to paris, france . may4, 2007. then flew to bangor, maine on the 8th, then returned to newark, nj before flying to st thomas, in the virgin islands. why mention this? didnt maddie mccann disappear from portugal on the 3rd of may?