Even after studying this shit since researching missing kids in the 90s, it's equally - if not moreso - sickening to contemplate just how sick and fucked up you have to be to participate in any aspect of this shit whatsoever.
It's difficult for many who are connected to God in one way or another to even imagine how any of this shit is even possible for anyone to fathom - let alone execute.
For instance, God has put biological checks and balances into our genetics to reduce the possibilities of this kind of "adulteration". It's no wonder, the evil, satanic forces want to manipulate DNA to remove these natural governors.
Every grown man over 35 or 40 can tell you that there comes a time when the biological switch gets tripped where "tight young trim" is no longer appealing to your sexual animal. It becomes sick and pervy compared to your days when you were on the prowl. It's confusing at first as your hormones and brain are briefly out of phase with one another.
Couple that with raising children of your own, and the switch flips even sooner - as your fatherly instincts kick in and you sharpen your awareness to protect your beautiful children.
The people involved in screwing around with kids must be destroyed. Their genetics and paradigm are not compatible with God's people. Those who are involved in this crime are FUBAR - they couldn't be fixed and have no conscience - and in turn, no connection to God - whether that's just how they've always been or if they were groomed to be that - aware of the transformation or otherwise.
As far as I'm concerned, there's zero tolerance for the corruption of a minor/children. It's akin to murder - the stealing of a life.
Pro tip: If you sharpen your chipper blades with a file, rather than using a 4-1/2" angle grinder, they'll be much sharper and you won't be grinding away material needlessly. It comes down to getting your body in the right position and working the file in one direction (stroke away from you) only.
I forget the term but there's actually a psychological term for why a daughter or even stepdaughter will never be attractive to the father or parent, and vice versa for a son to a mother. People can apparently lack this
Even after studying this shit since researching missing kids in the 90s, it's equally - if not moreso - sickening to contemplate just how sick and fucked up you have to be to participate in any aspect of this shit whatsoever.
It's difficult for many who are connected to God in one way or another to even imagine how any of this shit is even possible for anyone to fathom - let alone execute.
For instance, God has put biological checks and balances into our genetics to reduce the possibilities of this kind of "adulteration". It's no wonder, the evil, satanic forces want to manipulate DNA to remove these natural governors.
Every grown man over 35 or 40 can tell you that there comes a time when the biological switch gets tripped where "tight young trim" is no longer appealing to your sexual animal. It becomes sick and pervy compared to your days when you were on the prowl. It's confusing at first as your hormones and brain are briefly out of phase with one another.
Couple that with raising children of your own, and the switch flips even sooner - as your fatherly instincts kick in and you sharpen your awareness to protect your beautiful children.
The people involved in screwing around with kids must be destroyed. Their genetics and paradigm are not compatible with God's people. Those who are involved in this crime are FUBAR - they couldn't be fixed and have no conscience - and in turn, no connection to God - whether that's just how they've always been or if they were groomed to be that - aware of the transformation or otherwise.
As far as I'm concerned, there's zero tolerance for the corruption of a minor/children. It's akin to murder - the stealing of a life.
Pro tip: If you sharpen your chipper blades with a file, rather than using a 4-1/2" angle grinder, they'll be much sharper and you won't be grinding away material needlessly. It comes down to getting your body in the right position and working the file in one direction (stroke away from you) only.
I forget the term but there's actually a psychological term for why a daughter or even stepdaughter will never be attractive to the father or parent, and vice versa for a son to a mother. People can apparently lack this