If all the doctrines of the church can be tested against scripture, then how about praying to Mary and saints, or selling indulgences, or homosexual priests and marriage?
Why has the doctrine of your church changed throughout the century?
Was it not right then or is it not right now?
You know I can think of another group of people from the Bible that elevated their traditions over the word of God... What were they called again? Oh yeah Pharisees.
Sure I'll answer your question. Just give me specific examples.
If all the doctrines of the church can be tested against scripture, then how about praying to Mary and saints, or selling indulgences, or homosexual priests and marriage?
Why has the doctrine of your church changed throughout the century?
Was it not right then or is it not right now?
You know I can think of another group of people from the Bible that elevated their traditions over the word of God... What were they called again? Oh yeah Pharisees.
Sure I'll answer your question. Just give me specific examples.