Of course the long-running television series, The Walking Dead and it's six (6!) dystopian end-of-the-world sequels that are STILL ONGOING, showed us how to be the following:
Merciless, heartless, brutal, selfish, remorseless, and murderous. It taught us the best way to decapitate someone, how to set traps, and how to trick others into giving up their stuff under false pretenses. All this and the ability to walk away and not look back, leaving others to die slowly.
This wasn't by accident.
The award-winning movie 'Parasite' about a wealthy Asian family who hires some help for their home and is infiltrated one 'helper' at a time by a family of smart people who behave as succubus's to obtain what the others have earned by hard work and luck. Their lies and conniving destroys everything in a most egregious way.
Add these to so many other shows that depict despairingly awful times and awful behavior by everyone and the whole of society is changed by being exposed to it.
I've told my son that the violent video games that came out and were played by millions of children has contributed to a remorseless sociopathic mentality in many of our youths.
Weep first, but then prepare for what may lie ahead.
Of course the long-running television series, The Walking Dead and it's six (6!) dystopian end-of-the-world sequels that are STILL ONGOING, showed us how to be the following:
Merciless, heartless, brutal, selfish, remorseless, and murderous. It taught us the best way to decapitate someone, how to set traps, and how to trick others into giving up their stuff under false pretenses. All this and the ability to walk away and not look back, leaving others to die slowly.
This wasn't by accident.
The award-winning movie 'Parasite' about a wealthy Asian family who hires some help for their home and is infiltrated one 'helper' at a time by a family of smart people who behave as succubus's to obtain what the others have earned by hard work and luck. Their lies and conniving destroys everything in a most egregious way.
Add these to so many other shows that depict despairingly awful times and awful behavior by everyone and the whole of society is changed by being exposed to it.
I've told my son that the violent video games that came out and were played by millions of children has contributed to a remorseless sociopathic mentality in many of our youths.
Weep first, but then prepare for what may lie ahead.