I saw this video last night and started watching it this morning, seeing some of the dates of his prophecies I noticed he predates the start of the Q drops.
It popped to mind that perhaps he was a part of the Q collective with a prophetic warm up.
I'm not sure either way as but I'm dubious of anything and everything in this era we find ourselves in. I do hope and pray this whole The Plan thing is Godly, but my Faith is wholeheartedly with my Heavenly Father.
Either way, if your a Trey or Kim fan, I'm sure you'll enjoy the video. If you're a subscriber on God in a Nutshell Project, there's a part two as well.
God Bless, have a Blessed day!
Edit: Apologies if this has been touched on previously on here, maybe that's why it popped to mind, but I don't recall seeing such.
"perhaps he (Kim Clement) was a part of the Q collective"
... Or perhaps Q is a part of the bigger plan revealed, in parts, by the prophet.
Thanks for posting this. I've seen many of the full-length Clement videos. Trey Smith does an excellent job of stitching them together in a material way. I hadn't seen this one before.