209 Winner: UK female pool player forfeits last match than compete against a trans player. Crowd cheers. (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 1 year ago by BerlinWallCrosser 1 year ago by BerlinWallCrosser +209 / -0 WATCH: Brave Female Pool Player Elects to FORFEIT Final Match Rather than Face Trans Opponent as Crowd Erupts in Applause and Ch... Denbighshire, Wales – A female pool player took a bold stand for integrity and fair play after electing to forfeit her final against a biological male opponent. 54 comments share 54 comments share save hide report block hide replies
She beat all the women. She is the winner.
True. I just worry about what the UK thought police would do with this.
Probably it was a form of hate speech. Then give her a fine or jail time. Then people should protest but like I said before. The brave Brit’s became Americans long ago. Only the monarchy is capable of owning any land and have rights there.
Brava! Brava! Brava! 👏🏼😊