On Oct. 11, Judge Amy Totenberg in the case issued a ruling (pdf) noting that “Despite the profound issues raised by the Plaintiffs, the Court cannot jump off the legal edge and potentially trigger major disruption in the legally established state primary process.”
Although Judge Totenberg ruled to allow the Dominion System to be used in the Nov 3, 2020 election, she voiced real concerns, stating the “risks are neither hypothetical nor remote.”
She also noted that Jack Cobb, the director of Pro V&V, “plainly indicated that he actually claims no specialized knowledge or background in cybersecurity engineering and did not himself perform any security risk analysis of the BMD [Ballot Marking Device] system.” Instead, “State Defendants relied on Dr. Coomer’s testimony, to address—based on his professional experience—some of the significant cybersecurity issues raised by Plaintiffs.”
Judge Amy Totenberg??
Where have I I seen that name before?
Ah, yes. I 'member now...
I think she’s a big NPR commentator as well. Spewing lib bile across the world.
Yes. I have seen her b4. Who appointed her, do you know?
Barack Obama.
Wow. I am impressed.