"You can't think the only fair election is the one you win. And laws pertain to everybody but you. I'm afraid Joe Biden is pushed too far to the left. That's not the Joe Biden we elected to go that far left...
I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure, immobilize the moderate sensible common sense middle...
The middle is gone..."
This is comical coming from Manchin as his party has basically embraced open borders, child mutilation, sexually propagandizing children, zero medical freedom, and infinite war for the military industrial complex...
Their party is imploding underneath Biden...
Imagine if there was no cheating involved in elections. Landslides.
Why is everyone so scared of Donald Trump's next term?
The fear is palpable.
I despise these fucking libtards who throw that word around like they invented it, but are in reality too fucking stupid to know (or willingly ignore, which is more likely the case) that we are a Constitutional Republic. In any event...he, and they, should be scared of Trump's inevitable return.
Came here to pretty much say this. We were never suppose to be democratic, we are a republic.