How Do They Explain This? Video Shows 386,151 Votes REMOVED from GOP Supreme Court Candidate's Totals in PA Where She Ended Up L...
Audit the Vote PA released an explosive video following the November 7, 2023, Pennsylvania Supreme Court election that has so far been largely ignored.
n what world would votes ever go down in an election? This video shows 350,000 in-person votes being removed from the Republican Supreme Court Candidate in Pennsylvania
The candidate ended up losing the race by 200k votes
Fraud. Again. When will it be corrected if there's no 'noise' about it?
There is your sign the fraud is being protected.
Seems to me they don't have to explain anything these days when most of the public live in some degree of denial.
They do not have to explain and they do not care people are watching. Their are your signs of corruption and election fraud being protected.
Thank you OP - this is perfectly timed.
Why? I'm in this fraudulent state and just filed with lawyers re: impossible ballot count math along with other petitioners in the state/county/regions to open up precincts for a ballot spot check.
Any signs of fraud = more boxes being opened = mail-ins being reviewed too.
This is of course assuming that the Judge doesn't do a 180 and throw out the case before it gets too hot to ignore (as has happened 3x prior since 2020, with no reason given)
Are you a NorCo pede?
I hope and pray this is o9 help to you. No thanks needed. We want elections and not flipped vote selections.
Absolute fail by everyone.
How the fuck is this still going on? 22 was embarrassing. Now this?
Is anything going to get fixed? As time goes on, the more skeptical I get.
No biggie, we are just waking up to what it means when all important elections are rigged. Democracy is fake. Not being in control at all doesn't seem to bother people here that much. That's good. Love and be happy knowing you don't have to vote, or even bother following politics at all
Now ask them if all votes count why do they flip them always to Democrats ?