Fools and gold are soon parted. You could redistribute the wealth as you suggest and the basic rules of economics would still go to work and recreate the giant wealth differentials we have now. It wouldn't take long. We know this because historical data tell us the average lottery winner is broke within 7 years of winning. They don't understand the basic rules of the economy, spend more than they can afford, and find themselves poor again.
Those who are industrious and produce value will be rewarded. The government will still siphon off the lion's share to itself and "redistribute" it to connected people. The really industrious people figure out how to provide things that government can't live without: banking services, arms dealing, and with nationalized health services, the drugs.
Fools and gold are soon parted. You could redistribute the wealth as you suggest and the basic rules of economics would still go to work and recreate the giant wealth differentials we have now. It wouldn't take long. We know this because historical data tell us the average lottery winner is broke within 7 years of winning. They don't understand the basic rules of the economy, spend more than they can afford, and find themselves poor again.
Those who are industrious and produce value will be rewarded. The government will still siphon off the lion's share to itself and "redistribute" it to connected people. The really industrious people figure out how to provide things that government can't live without: banking services, arms dealing, and with nationalized health services, the drugs.