221 Really excellent, mind blowing set of videos on how truly rich, the truly rich actually are. They make Jeff Bezos look like a McDonald's cashier. (files.catbox.moe) 🧠 MEMORY HOLE 🕳️ posted 1 year ago by penisse 1 year ago by penisse +222 / -1 Your browser does not support videos. 63 comments share 63 comments share save hide report block hide replies
GLOBAL GDP was $100.6 trillion in 2022. You expect me to believe a single family has FIVE TIMES that yearly economic output of 7 BILLION people?
https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD https://www.uscurrency.gov/life-cycle/data/circulation
Stored in what? All the gold and silver in the world don't come close. In cash? The US only has $2.3 trillion in circulation.
Wait, I know, they own 100% of every publicly traded corporation on Earth! No, that's only $112 trillion in market capitalization.
Are you using the same shoddy math as this guy, which is so easily disproven by looking at the current UK debt and realizing 8% of it is 200 billion pounds, not the 241 trillion times 0.08 that this guy's math says it would be?