List of companies compromised by China. It's a lot shorter than compromised by WEF
🤡 Clown World 🌎
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The other reason they forced everyone into 401k's is to line their damn pockets. Hugely.
Can you even imagine how much money wall street & the treasury have been raking in by FORCING the ENTIRE COUNTRY to buy their products, whether you want to or not? (Well, not completely, but it's just about compulsory)
Wall street gets all the fees, bulk of the cash investments / deposits, commissions, etc, and the treasury rakes in taxes when people cash out.
Oh, and that's not even mentioning the revolving door between the gov & wall street (and defense contractors, and, and and....)
Absolutely disgusting.
We need to burn it all down & go back to the Constitution as written, execute anyone who even suggests any new / additional laws or government powers.
Forced while portraying it as a benefit. Worse than that is Social Security.
Yep.....seriously.... 🤬🤬🤬