As a female martial artist, If this is stage, then I don't care, it was good. They held a strong foundation and displayed warrior spirit. You would be surprised how strong a woman can punch, they still held their ground instead of cowering like most women do.
I agree. Staged or not, it was a cool video. Supposedly, men can always beat women. But what if the women are trained, and the men are not expecting an attack?
As a female martial artist, If this is stage, then I don't care, it was good. They held a strong foundation and displayed warrior spirit. You would be surprised how strong a woman can punch, they still held their ground instead of cowering like most women do.
I agree. Staged or not, it was a cool video. Supposedly, men can always beat women. But what if the women are trained, and the men are not expecting an attack?
That's the defense right there! Men are not expecting a woman to fight like a small man.
Add concealed carry to the mix, and problem solved.