posted ago by tweety51A ago by tweety51A +75 / -0


I am SO glad that Dr.Ardis has vindicated himself with this exceptionally detailed explanation of the relationship of snake venom to covid/covid vaccines/long haul covid. Anyone that has friends or family that is suffering from any of the 15 or or so long haul covid symptoms needs to watch this and pass it on. The treatment is in the last third of the presentation BUT it is worthwhile to watch the whole video since it lays the foundation for why nicotine patches work so successfully with long haul covid. I applaud Dr. Ardis' research skills AND his dedication to helping us to understand different aspects about the truth of covid.


Dr. Ardis of the Dr. Ardis show discusses his theory regarding the COVID-19 vaccines and their alleged connection to various animal venoms. He suggests that the vaccines are weaponizing venoms, and this is leading to the various symptoms experienced by individuals post-vaccination. He claims that a significant percentage of the global population who have had COVID-19 experience these symptoms, which he attributes to the alleged use of venoms in the vaccines.

Dr. Ardis references multiple studies, including one from China and another from Italy, to support his assertions. The studies reportedly find similarities between the genetic sequence of the COVID-19 virus and toxins found in snake venoms, particularly the crate snake and king cobra, and also marine snails in the CONUS genre. Dr. Ardis details findings of various venom proteins in COVID-19 positive patients, alleging that each of these proteins explains every symptom of COVID-19 and long-hauler COVID-19. He also cites another study by the University of Arizona that explored the link between these venoms and COVID-19 deaths.

Additionally, Dr. Ardis suggests potential treatments, such as nicotine and ivermectin, by blocking specific receptors targeted by the virus toxins. He also connects the findings to concerns raised about the weaponization of conotoxins and the World Economic Forum’s interest in cone snail venom. Highlighting similarities between snake bites and COVID-19 symptoms, Dr. Ardis mentions a company, Ophirex, that is working on a drug to counteract venom and its funding by major organizations.