The recent failed SpaceX Starship launch flushed out the "Flat Earth" retards in droves, making "FIRMAMENT" trend on Elon Musk's X.com. Is it a psyop targeting fuckwits? Yup. Check this graphic sowing the obvious #'d BOT ACCOUNTS. Each account tweeted random Flat Earth faggotry. INFORMATION WARFARE!
🧠 These people are stupid!

Personally, I don't think any theory should be disregarded unless proven false beyond all belief. And I don't think it's right to look down on others for their beliefs or inquiries. Nobody on this board has been to space so there's that.. I would be willing to bet a fair share of money that the earth is round, but I have heard some compelling arguments from intelligent people on the other side. It's almost like a religion here, like you can believe these conspiracy theories over here, but if you believe any of those conspiracies over there then you are banned and shunned. Just weird to me.
Pointing out a disinfo campaign is not "looking down on others for their beliefs."
Why is there no evidence, no digging, no research on this disinfo campaign? Just claims that it is and people attacking anyone who doesn't tow the party line that that's what it is.
This is a research board, right? Maybe instead of shitting on people, you could present actual evidence that the FE stuff is exclusively a blackhat psyop? And if you can't, maybe you should say nothing if you have nothing nice, productive, or useful to add.
So far, this thread is just people throwing shit and truisms.
The post you are commenting in gave you that evidence. I don't think that's the only thing you've overlooked.
Posting a selection of seemingly obvious bots proves that all of flat Earth is a blackhat psyop with no honest people theorizing about it?
There is no digging and no research in this thread. No one is attempting to actually do anything with the starting point provided by catsfive. Because that is what this is, a starting point. People could be sharing info or insights, they could be looking deeper to figure something about this out, correlate it with some relevant Q posts, anything.
Instead, everyone is simply doing exactly what I said they are in my previous comment. This thread has preciously zero value outside of acting as fly tape for flat Earthers to ban them. Which, if that is the goal, great, but don't act like it serves some greater purpose of pointing out and exposing a disinfo campaign. It starts to point out the beginnings of one, but no one has capitalized on that.
I mean, how do we know this is coordinated by the CIA or whatever, and not just some retard in his basement who thought it'd be funny to make some bots? Without any deeper research/digging, which we don't have in here, we don't. All we know is that there are approximately 40 bots talking about FE (which, if we're being honest, may not even be bots in every case for the accounts shown).