The recent failed SpaceX Starship launch flushed out the "Flat Earth" retards in droves, making "FIRMAMENT" trend on Elon Musk's X.com. Is it a psyop targeting fuckwits? Yup. Check this graphic sowing the obvious #'d BOT ACCOUNTS. Each account tweeted random Flat Earth faggotry. INFORMATION WARFARE!
🧠 These people are stupid!

Bible says we are a realm with a firmament above. Look up Lower Eath Orbit and why we have never left it. Either you are qrong or the Bibke is.
Genesis 1:20: "“Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”
Oops, it's the atmosphere
Or you are. It doesn't say where the firmament is, other than between the waters above and below the firmament. Where does it say it surrounds only our planet in this vast universe?
Genesis 1:20: "“Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”
Oops, it's the atmosphere
Where does it give any indications at all that space exists, other planets exist, or that we live in a vast universe?
It doesn't.
That doesn't mean space is fake, but there is undeniably a movement of interpreting the Bible through the lens of the world, instead of interpreting the world through the lens of the Bible.
The easy answer is that the creation account tells us everything we need to know, and that space isn't in there in a way we can understand by solely reading the Bible, because it is fake.
Easy doesn't mean true, of course, but still; I find that reading the Bible in a way that it only makes sense when we have prerequisite worldly knowledge, is no way to discern what the Bible is saying. The Bible stands firm throughout time. We shouldn't have to do linguistic gymnastics to make it out that the Bible is confirming something it very clearly doesn't say, and that no one took it to say for most of its existence.