I’m so mad about all of the price manipulation since the election.
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Why, the 2024 election will never happen. The sleeper cells in the U.S. will be activated. They will strike electrical substations, cause massive train derailments, havoc through our U.S. Martial law will be declared, and elections suspended.
You didn't think they were letting in all the military ages middle easterners and Chinese thugs into the country just to boost their vote did you.
And what effect do you imagine it will have a gas prices when Iran cuts off oil to west, when the Suez Canal, Straits of Hormez is blocked, and when the Panama canal is taken out. One missile could take out Lake Gatun in minutes, and no more Panama canal.
Listen to this, especially around 25 min mark. This guy, ex-navy seal, knows what he's talking about. https://greatawakening.win/p/17rlvzlSDZ/111023-great-interview-with-ltc-/c/
Had a train derailment in the foothills just west of Denver and Boulder. Tankers with oil and mag chloride. Fortunately no spill. Rails were installed back around ‘75. No official cause yet heard.
Soon we patriots are going to need to start keeping a close eye out for saboteurs. It's going to go a little beyond just see something, say something I think.