I am in UAE, and before I could access RT's Telegram and comment. Then I saw a message that said
Sorry, this group is temporarily inaccessible on your device to give its moderators time to clean up after users who posted pornographic content. We will reopen the group as soon as order is restored.
So I changed from the PlayStore version to the Telegram APK, and still get the same error message. It doesn't matter what VPN I use. Other people are still commenting.
I have it. Telegram themselves are censoring it.
I am in UAE, and before I could access RT's Telegram and comment. Then I saw a message that said
So I changed from the PlayStore version to the Telegram APK, and still get the same error message. It doesn't matter what VPN I use. Other people are still commenting.
RT News: "Not available. This channel can't be displayed because it violated local laws."