I am not familiar with Maritime- Just exerienced in healthcare and know enough about epidemiology to be danergous :-)
Will look up tho-- some diseases it makes sense- but not aerosolized types- which they damn wrll KNEW that the rona was-- just like every other effing corona type virus wr have been studying (and manipulating) since the 50s!!!
No it hasn't- read more; start here: THE COMING PLAGUE by Laurie Garrett. Then study up on the flu of 1917-1918-- hospital beds out in th open air....
Do you think then, that the idea or maritime quarantine has been invalid? Just asking.
But thanks for the rebuttal. Good response and some good starter spots.
I am not familiar with Maritime- Just exerienced in healthcare and know enough about epidemiology to be danergous :-) Will look up tho-- some diseases it makes sense- but not aerosolized types- which they damn wrll KNEW that the rona was-- just like every other effing corona type virus wr have been studying (and manipulating) since the 50s!!!